
How do you get rid of carpenter bees.?

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Carpenter bees make their nests in wood and will ruin lumber if not disposed of. How can I get rid of these pesty pests.




  1. Try this site:

    Hope that helps.

  2. ask them to leave (be polite or the bees will kill you)...

  3. Do a search on "wood boring bees", there's many solutions, pick one that suits your problem. I had them on my deck, my solution was to cover the hole they were in (I caught them early). Their very tough, if you let it go and the eggs get hatched they will be back. Seems like they have better GPS than dashboard models. When they start, you will see sawdust below where where they are boring. If you see a yellowish brown slime, that's the excrement (POO) of the wood they digested. That means their not drilling anymore, their laying eggs.

    The ones that buzz  you, very loudly, are the males. Their the guards, they don't sting. The big ones that come after you that don't buzz are females, they sting.

    Its hard to swat them, very fast. Keep a bottle of window cleaner with ammonia handy, this wont kill them but will knock the beast out of the air so you can stomp them.

  4. Get some rid a bug from Lowes or Home depo and spray the boards....

  5. If you will paint the lumber this will almost prevent them not quite but most effective. Stain will not, pressure treated will not. If you have existing holes, get some carburetor cleaner with a straw and spray the holes this will kill what is there. Caulk the holes and paint.

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