
How do you get rid of celulite on your legs?

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what is the best way to get the "dimples" off the back of my legs/butt? please help me:)




  1. Eating more salads with lemon as opposed to salad dressing and walking.  There is no cream that can replace exercise.

  2. Exercise and do a massage a lot!

  3. The best thing that I know of is increased exercise.  Improved muscle tone under the skin makes those fatty deposits less noticeable.  It has been far more successful for me than any creams.

    good luck!

  4. It depends on your situation. There is such thing as cellulite cream. But if you are overweight then it won't help.  

  5. I just recently had twins so I know all about your problems. I had stretch marks all over my mid section and cellulite on my butt and upper thighs even after I lost all of my baby weight. It really sucked.

    To get rid of my cellulite I did a combination of exercise, diet and cream. I exercise 3 times a week. My routine includes weight lifting that targets my "problem areas", cardio and pilates. I am on a healthy diet and I drink loads of water. Diet and exercise alone were helping me, but they weren't completely getting rid of it. So I decided to add a cream to the mix. I looked around and found good reviews for a cream called Body Shape so I decided I'd give them a try. I found a free trial here The results have been pretty nice. This along with bio oil for my stretch marks, exercise and diet have almost transformed my body into its pre-twins state! I even went to the beach this summer and wore a bikini!

  6. you have to burn fat. it's no a simple task, the muscles push the fat cells to the top and that's what causes the "dimples"  

  7. exercise, healthy, low-fat & low-sugar diet, lots of water, lymphatic brushing & massage, detox treatments.

    Nivea Goodbye Cellulite System.

    get the sugar, & white carbs out of your diet.

    & dont let anyone tell you you cant get rid of it- its true that you cant get rid of the cells that are surfacing, but you CAN eliminate the appearance of cellulite.

  8. I exercise and I dont have any on my legs... i think it helps reduce the appearance. Also Mary Kay sells stuff for cellulite. my friend had horrible cellulite and that stuff was a miracle.

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