
How do you get rid of computer viruses?????

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How do you get rid of computer viruses?????




  1. if all that doesnt work format ur harddrive

    there is youtube videos that teach u how to do it

  2. Get Ad-Aware and AVG for Windows, or switch to Linux Mint and you won't get any viruses ever!

  3. I know a company that help with almost any computer problem. They are btexpress computer repair. They are great. I went to them and they know what they are doing. I love what they done to my computer. It was not fast and had viruses on it but, now it is clean and fast as lighten. If you would like to visit them the link is in my profile. btexpress computer repair is great

  4. By installing Linux

  5. If you suspect you have an infection, there are several things you must do.  Unfortunately, if you find one infection, it is highly likely you have another one. A virus, trojan or worm are all different types of infections/malware and there are some great FREE programs that can help you.

    First, clean up (delete) your cookies, temp files and temporary internet files. I prefer to use Ccleaner to do this, rather than the built-in DISK CLEANUP, as I feel it does a much more thorough job - for example, it will clean out the index files on your next reboot.

    If you want to use Disk Cleanup, you can find it if you:

    - Double-Click on My Computer to open it up

    - RIGHT-click on your C: drive

    - Choose PROPERTIES and then click on the DISK CLEANUP button

    - When done, reboot your computer.

    Delete these files daily or run Ccleaner every day right before you shut your computer down.

    2 - You should also have a good anti-virus program to help protect your computer. AVG FREE is an excellent anti-virus program. You might also choose Avast or Avira, both also free programs.

    3 -Since NONE of the anti-spyware/anti-adware programs are 100% accurate in finding and removing spyware, you need at least two programs which you will run one after the other, not at the same time.

    There are three excellent free ones:

    --Spybot, Search and Destroy


    --Spyware Blaster

    All are available FREE.

    You will need to download, install, update (and IMMUNIZE in Spybot) and run them, one at a time. Be careful with the NAME of these programs - there are "look-alikes" with very similar names, that are in fact spyware themselves! Reboot after you install each one!

    After this current infection is cleared up, be sure to run both of the above programs at least once a week if you are on the internet frequently and/or like to download music or files.

    NOTE: Some infections prevent your from downloading the above programs. You may have to use a clean computer to download the programs and copy them to a thumb drive or CD. Then transfer the install files to the infected computer and run.

    --Occasionally you will not be able to run these programs without being in SAFE MODE.  To get there, reboot your computer and tap the F8 key, repeatedly until a menu comes up.  You want to choose SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING.

    4 -You should also have a good firewall to help protect your computer. Zone Alarm makes a totally free version (watch you don't download the 30-day free trial of the paid version). You can download this from the manufacturer at

    HTH : )

    Good luck!

    Most of the above programs can be found at

  6. take it to a computer store,

    like Comp USA

    dont try to fix it yourself, you could only make it worse

  7. a-squared Anti-Malware

    its a 30 day trail but it removed my trojan horse =] but now my trial ended so if i get another virus ill buy it  

  8. Download AVG.. its a computer scanner.. thats Free.. Its rle good and then u can set it to a time of day wen it scans automatically... and it will sho u where the virus came from too.

  9. Find the process in task manager, kill the exe file.Then find the registry keys associated with the program.Delete them.sometimes you can also rename a file to stop it.You also can have a virus and have zero payload.Or a heavy hitter.Best thing is to keep updated.And make sure windows does not hide file extensions.

  10., I bought a download last year and it has done wonders for my computer. Well worth the  $$.

  11. Catch 22, my friend. The trick is to be proactive about not getting them cause once they're in, its a pain.

    Start with checking your Remove Programs list for stuff you didn't intentionally install and remove them.

    Then open your C:/ drive and look for your Program Files look for things that are out of place or that you can't see any prominent data in and delete them, however use caution, in doing this you can cause damage to your system.

    Start the cleaning process with some free programs like Spybot Search and Destroy, AVG, and AdAware. These are temporary solutions, use them, then get rid of them for a more permanent product.

    Try a free system scan from Trend Micro just to see what you have, if its anything major, check it against Symantec's website, for major reported viruses they offer free cleaning tools by what virus you may have.

    Then get your self a permanent anti virus product, NOD32 from Eset and Kaspersky offer free trials and are top notch you should probably buy them anyway.

    The ultimate and end all way would be to wipe your hard drive down, reformat it and reinstall your operating system, but don't go the whole hog until you go through the rest. Good Luck!

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