
How do you get rid of fleas?

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I have tried everything I can think of. I have used both front line and advantage, not at the same time. Flea powders, baths and treated the lawn. We have bombed the house. I am washing everything I can and vacuuming all the time. What else can I do. She had fleas when we got her but they seem to be getting worse. She is up all night scratching and I feel so bad for her. We are using the right weight class of front line. She is black so looking for them is hard. I do look on she stomach for fleas and have never seem any.




  1. Is it necessarily fleas? If so, you can get capstar at the vet. The will kill all the ones on her. Then give her a good long bath wtih dawn dish soap. Once they get bad, they're very hard to get rid of.

    But if you can't see the fleas and you didn't say anything about getting any bites yoruself, what if she has dry skin form all the treatments or a skin allergy of some sort? That would cause all the itching, too. Just a thought.

  2. put some boric acid powder on his body before one day of his bath

  3. Do you have carpets? I'd find a good carpet cleaning company to steam out your carpets. The eggs could all be in your carpets, survive the bombing, and hatch after the affect.

    If she has long fur, I'd cut it so it can be easier to see where the fleas may be.

    You were saying you don't see fleas on her stomach, but have you actually seen the fleas elsewhere? My dog used to scratch a lot when she was a puppy and we thought it was fleas, but it ended up being ear mites. Watch where she is scratching and if she is scratching near her ears, it could be that.

    I'm surprised the Advantix hasn't worked for you (I'm assuming that's what you meant - advantage). That's the toughest flea/tick killer out there right now.

    I'd take her to the vet/call the vet and see what they say. Ask for suggestions. Here's a website I just found... good luck

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