
How do you get rid of ghosts?

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How do you get rid of ghosts?




  1. Ghostbusters of course...

  2. Contact Jennifer Love Hewitt

  3. Get big Phillip Schoefield in tae whisper at them

  4. Holy Water! Go to a church and ask for holy water.!

    People who don;t believe you haven't experience a spirit present! these are the same people who believe we landed on the moon!. Best Result is contact a spiritual priest and ask for advice. They will not make fun of you like most these people who gave you an answer! They don't have a clue.

    Seek professional help

  5. You stop believing in them and they just go away.

  6. call a priest or a very religous man and ask him to come to your house and bless it or to get the ghost angry and it might leave is to sing christain hyms. by the way ghosts arent real they are demons and spirits!!!

  7. Prayer, holy oil, priest or other clergy person.  Exorcisms are for when a person is possessed.

  8. Yipes! I don't do that paranormal stuff, sorry.

  9. Pray - ask God for deliverance.

    Redirect your thoughts to something else, you might be too worried about them being around.

    Have you considered moving?

  10. Summoned from the depths of the Nine h***s, Devils serve mortal mages

    when bound by maledicting opponents and assaulting them from afar (they

    will not engage in physical combat unless directly assaulted themselves).

    Devils are clever beings and will serve the mage in more devious ways,

    but may turn on them in times of weakness, in an attempt to subdue and

    loot their master. Additional mana may be channeled into the spell to

    conjure Devils of greater power or to extend the Devil's stay on the

    caster's plane. Moody creatures, their attentiveness to their master

    greatly depends on how happy they are kept.

  11. it depends on what sort of entity you have...

    address it directly and ask it to kindly leave,

    if you have a dangerous entity I would strongly suggest contacting a specialist.

    if not, you can perform your own "spells", if you will, and cleanse your place.

    don't listen to those who make fun, they aren't as fortunate to experience this.

  12. perform an exorcism, but there is no such things as ghosts, only spirits or entities or demons

  13. pray for them to leave

  14. pray for the boogeyman to beat him up..

    What are you talking about? Ghosts?? Seriously??? If they existed don't you think we would hear on the news..."The sight of Three ghosts caused an accident this morning...."

    wow...Easter Bunnies too....?

  15. Eat them

  16. they are not real just let them go now if it is a ghost of someone you know then well just ignore them pretend they are not there or just now that they are not real

  17. Ask one of those ghost hunters to help i think theres a phone number somwhere you can get off the internet for a real one or a real group of them. Only do that if it;s a serious problem like things moving or whatever. If the ghost just appears somtimes just leave it alone since it's not a bad ghost it just probably lived there before and is visiting it's home. Remember your in it's home to so repect that!

  18. tell them that they are dead, and to go to God.

  19. By taking your medication as prescribed on the label.

  20. have an exocercism.

  21. I agree with previous answer. Just say the name of Jesus. It worked for me. My source? The Holy Bible.

  22. get this!!! THEY ARE NOT REAL!

  23. a priest?

  24. pretend  to  be  a  ghost?

  25. just stop believing in them.

  26. exorcism.... ask a priest

  27. Jesus...

  28. this is not a funny question. i think its very true and things do happen .

  29. theres no ghosts only spirits, and just sprinle a bit of hly water around, that shouls work

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