
How do you get rid of heartburn?

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I tried the prescription the doctor gave me. Is there a another way because it isnt working all the time?




  1. take two teaspoon of applesider vinegar in a half glass of water.bam....its gone and no side effects. no constipation , loaded with vit.C  

  2. A table spoon of vingar and its gone!

  3. I heard drinking vinegar. baking soda makes less acid so your stomach fills with more acid.

    vinegar is acid, substitutes stomach acid. Either way they both should help.

    I just drink some Pepto.

  4. I eat tums sometimes, and go to the doctor if it doesnt work.  

  5. you may have to change what you eat as well.  Try a somewhat bland diet for a while till you haven't had heartburn for a while and then gradually reintroduce  foods you like.  You can then figure out what bothers you the most.

  6. Apple cider vinegar only works for a little while and it causes great pain.

    Alfalfa capsules with water will work WITHIN 30 SECONDS! Take 2 at a time with several glasses of water until it goes away. Alfalfa is alkali and balances out your PH levels so even if you have to take 10 or 20 capsules to balance out your PH levels with a few glasses of water after this you won't get heart burn for months! Alfalfa roots go down up to 130 feet under ground so it has more minerals for balancing out your body in many ways.

    Always take ONE ONLY at first to be sure you aren't allergic to anything you start for the first time.

    Also MSM is natural sulfer and is made from food. This is also for giving the body a non-acidic effect as well as helping allergies and inflamation.

  7. One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar will do. Take with each meal it will help you get rid of this. It totally got rid of my acid reflux problem I had.  

  8. Both liquid chlorophyll and pineapple every day will promote a healthy digestive environment and that should help.

  9. baking soda

  10. Zantac always works for me.  

  11. Take half a tea spoon of baking soda put it in your mount and drink some water right after, the hart burn should go away immediately!!

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