
How do you get rid of hiccups?

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How do you get rid of hiccups?




  1. ive tried everything, holding my breath,its hard to do that when you hiccup, drinking water slowly through a straw or without a straw, it seems time works the best, but if they are persistent, like they last for hours then  maybe it's a medical condition

  2. breathe in and out slowly, drink lots of water. thats what i do.

  3. Call an excorsist.  

  4. drink water or scream as u louder as u can.

  5. lol you might find this weird but there is actually a cure for hiccups.  there's this theory that if you close your eyes and mouth and slowly imagine yourself l*****g a bald guy's head, your hiccups will stop! I know it's awkward, but believe me, it works!!

    1) close your eyes

    2) close your mouth

    3) slowly breathe in and out

    4)imagine yourself slowly walking up to a man with no hair

    5) approach the man and l**k his head several times

    6) open your eyes and mouth, and your hiccups are gone!

    You probably don't believe me when i say it works, but trust me i tried it out, and so did my brother and everyone else, and it really does work!

    This cure for hiccups goes perfectly with the quote: seeing is believing. You have to try it out!

  6. get a brown bag or a small paper bag or plastic bag , position your mouth and nose through its opening and inhale and exhale through it. Do this for say, five times. It works for me!

    If you can't get hold of any of these paraphernalia, just cover your mouth and nose with the palm of your two hands and breath through it.

    Experiment and see what happens!

  7. hold nose, swallow water

  8. Hold you breath or get a fright.

  9. Best way to get rid of hiccups is  to take a spoon and put sugar on it then fill the rest of the spoon with water. Put the spoon in your mouth and suck on it for a few seconds then pull the spoon out and swallow the water and sugar. I used to get hiccups all the time and they would last for hours. This is the only thing that would get rid of them.

  10. drink water. this happens to me all the time especially after eating.

  11. hold your breath

  12. i can give 2...first u press ur eyelids..promotes blood circulation and second u take a deep breath then swallow...try it...

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