
How do you get rid of hick ups?

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How do you get rid of hick ups?




  1. None of the typical tricks work for me. I find concentrating really hard on your breathing works. Breath deeply but slowly in, forcing your diaphragm (the muscle that moves up and down letting in air, you will feel it as you breath in just at the bottom and under your ribcage) to move slowly, ignore any hickups, breath out slowly, and repeat. Make sure you are breathing slowly so you don't get dizzy. Really concentrate on controlling your diaphram and ignore any hickups, you will find they will slow down after a while and become less frequent. They may stop all together, and they may carry on but be less intense and stop after a short time.

    And don't ever stop yourself from breathing. Breathing in air and leaving it in your lungs is exposing your body to large amounts of CO2 which is damaging.

  2. drink water while upside down or try hold ur breathe for a bit til it goes away

  3. i read a book once saying that it cant be cured

    i dont really know if i really believe that

    but i would try (from what i can tell) holding your breath for at least 3 hiccups

  4. Step 1: Start by inhaling through your mouth until your lungs feel full (when it feels like you cannot inhale any more). For overall best results, try to do this as quickly as you can.  DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.

    Step 2: Swallow. You are not really swallowing anything but it seems that without this act, it doesn’t work. DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.

    Step 3: Now inhale some more.  You don’t need to inhale a lot, but do get some more air in.  It will start to get difficult to do this as you go, but keep trying.  You obviously can’t suck in as much air as you did initially, but just a little will do (think of it as taking a “sip” of air). DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.

    Step 4: Swallow again. This too will start to get difficult as you go.  DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT.

    Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you cannot swallow again. While it seems you can almost always suck in just a little more air, it is the swallowing that gets to be impossible. When you feel like you cannot swallow again, swallow again anyway.  It will be hard to do, your face will probably turn red, and you may make squeaking sounds. But you CAN swallow one last time. By this time, your lungs should also be quite full and it should be difficult to get much more air in as well.  While you should try not to let any air out, if you have really repeated steps 3 and 4 as many times as you can, you probably will end up letting a little out before you can take that last swallow. If you find that air keeps escaping out of your nose even early in the process, try squeezing it shut with your fingers.

    Step 6: Exhale.

  5. Other than holding your breath or tons of glasses of water...I think Standing on a chair with one leg (balancing) with your arms stretched out...I cant remember but I think you have to hold your breath too works. :) Oh, by the way, its 'hiccups' for future reference.  

  6. a teaspoon of mayonnaise

    a teaspoon of vinergar does the trick  you cant have tried it many people use this trick try a tablespoone of raseberry cordial it works too

  7. Hiccups are caused by your diaphragm and your breathing being out of sync. So to get rid of them you basically have to make them kind of line up again.

    Try taking a deep breath. Hold it in. Drink several large gulps of water. It should make you burp, and this usually does it. You might have to try it a few times if you have serious hiccups.

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