
How do you get rid of houseflies

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They're EVERYWHERE in my house, and they're pests...Is there a way to get rid of them?





  1. this sounds weird but what i do is just but like 10 fly swatters and swat like 5 a day. it really works! traps dont work!

  2. yestarday i had 3 bumble bees, 5 flies, you have to call somesone if there is alot of them or try opening the door for 1 hour and hope they come out .hope i helped

  3. There are many ways to get rid of houseflies. Try going to your local store and buy some fly killer. Or another way would be closing all your windows and doors to stop them from geting in.



  5. a fly-swatter?

  6. put sugar water in a deep jar and when they fill up quickly put the lid on it and discard them outside. Repeat if necessary.

    If you're talking about little gnats, instead of sugar water, a banana peel works better.

  7. This is a bad year for houseflies in Indiana because of all the rain we have had.

    When I do a 'run through' to 'pick up' in the house, I get out my trusty can of Raid House & Garden, and spray the rooms like it is air freshener.  

    Flyswatters work, as do the 'bombs.'  But the pesky suckers are coming in every time the door is opened, so I rely on the daily Raid treatment to clear them out.

    I can live with houseflies, but I sure do hate mosquitoes!  "OFF" is my fragrance of choice during the summer!

  8. set out a strip of honey, the sugar will attract them and they will become stuck

  9. Kill them all and let God sort 'em out! Go WMD...get a bug bomb, set it off and go to the movies. When you come more living flies (or any other miscellaneous pests). Then, try to keep your doors and windows closed so new ones don't come in.

    If all else fails...collect their dead bodies and place them near your doors and windows as a warning to other flies! You really gotta be proactive and take the initiative when dealing with flies!

    Edit: Average Joe has a good sugestion down there...that works too. I just support the idea of widespread species cleansing and flie-o-cide.

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