
How do you get rid of indoor spiders?

by Guest67091  |  earlier

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I am terrified of spiders. I know they can be beneficial, but I'm sorry, I hate them.

Are there any natural ways to get rid of them?

I really don't want to have to resort to using chemicals.

Thank you!

and by the way, I have a cat, so no "get a cat" answers please lol




  1. bug bombs then throw some moth balls around outside the foundation of your home.  

  2. If you don't want to use chemicals, you may have to put up with the spiders.  I never found anything that would work.  I use Ortho Home Defense Max.  It kills everything and has very low odor!  (Even scorpions, if you live in an area that has them.)  I use this twice a year.  Once in the spring and once in the fall.  It says it controls bugs for up to 12 months, but I prefer to use it twice a year.  On the inside, I spray all around the woodwork throughout the house, and around the windows in the basement.  I have all hardwood floors and it doesn't harm them.   On the outside, I spray all around the perimeter of the house and around the doors and windows.  I have a bird and a dog, and once this stuff dries, its fine for them.  I just move the animals around the rooms until I'm done.  Its very easy to use.  I buy a gallon of it, and it lasts a long time.  The stuff works great!  Good luck and I hope this helps.

  3. lol I was about to say get a cat...

    d**n it.

    Uhm... get a shoe!



    You cant really get rid of them, sorry

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