
How do you get rid of little bumps under your skin (face) ??

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  1. First you have to establish what is causing them. It could be anything from an allergy to sub-sebaceous deposits and the cure really depends on the cause. Talk to your doctor or make an appointment with a dermatologist to find out exactly what the problem is, and what to do about it.  

  2. Photoshop.....thats what the models use...

  3. If they are little white bumps only a beautician or doctor can remove them with a sterile needle - if you do it yourself you risk scarring.

    If they are red, it's probably something like prickly heat - that would mean taking some antihistamines - speak to the pharmacist.

  4. If they are from acne I suggest 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. You'll be seeing results within a month or so.

  5. are they painful bumps? Got to be T Zone!

  6. sounds like a acne cyst those b***hes hurt!!! I get one every now and then GRAWRR

    soak it with hot water it will go down a bit. sometimes i put some hydrocortizone on it to help too. Not much you can really do :(  

  7. i had this problem on my forehead, have you tried vanishing cream from "Lush" ?

    its a brand new moisturiser that's made from all natural ingredients that's really good for your skin. I've been using it 3 days and mine have nearly vanished! Although 1 pot is £15 its well worth the money

  8. goto a dermatologist

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