
How do you get rid of maggots they have crawled into my kitchen ive put ant powder down should this work?

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How do you get rid of maggots they have crawled into my kitchen ive put ant powder down should this work?




  1. sure they are maggots?  might be Indian Meal Moth caterpillars.  They turn into a small moth that infest pantry foods.

  2. Are you sure that these are maggots?  Maggots do not crawl into a kitchen.  They are hatched there if they are there at all.  I would check the garbage can or somewhere in the kitchen that has some rotting food in it.  You must be able to smell something rotting there.  

    But if they are not maggots, they could be the larvae of the little moths that you see flying around.and they do not hatch in rotting food it is more like dry stuff, such as flour etc.    They  can come in in flour that you have just bought or they could have been in an opened package that has been left sitting around too long.  Better check you kitchen.  

  3. sweep them up put them in a tub a stick them in the fridge and i will pick them up the next time i go fishing  lol

    no seriously there must be something rotten somewhere in the kitchen for the maggots to be there in the first place  

  4. Oh Ewww...put them in a bag and cart them off to the nearest hospital. as maggots are now used to treat wounds and ulcers. There you go you could start up a maggot farm.

    Where did they come from  in the first place is there a dead bird near your back door or near by. Generally that is the cause of maggots in the home.

    No I shan't be coming to dinner thanks.

  5. maggots only come if somethink is rotten you might have dead mice .your best checking were there coming from  

  6. Clear them out. Maggots will turn into flies in no time, and then you'll have a kitchen full of flies. Don't just try to kill them. Sweep them up, put in a bag, and throw in the bin.

  7. watch where they go as they usually stay by something rotting, have a poke around till you find it then throw it in the bin but wrap it up first otherwise you will get a bin full of maggots

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