
How do you get rid of moles and gophers?

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How do you get rid of moles and gophers?




  1. Get a cat.

  2. Blow them up with plastic explosive shaped like small rodents.

    (Sometimes it doesn't work...)

  3. This one is very simple URINE that's right URINE when you gotta go you gotta go, just go down the hole, as long as there are no neighbors around, if so take a container in the bathroom relieve yourself, then take the container out to the hole dump it in. All natural, no pesticides and you don't have to hire a professional or spend time and money trying to find the remedy at your local hardware store.Please contact me with the results.  

  4. Rent the movie "Caddyshack".   It is all about this.   Bill Murray spent almost the whole movie showing how to do this.

  5. You need to understand these little guys first.

    Gophers are rodents, like mice or rats. They feed on roots and tubers, and if you have a vegetable garden, can eat up your carrots.

    Moles are Insectivores, not rodents.  They are VERY beneficial, despite their tunnels, and eat many harmful insects and grubs that can be very detrimental to your home and garden.

    To get rid of the Gophers, you can sprinkle non-toxic and non-lethal things into their holes that will drive them away.  Try pepper, and others recommended by your local hardware store.  Do NOT trap or kill them.  They are just as necessary to this planet as you are.

    You should be grateful to have Moles.  They will do no harm.  If their tunnels bother you, just press them back down with your feet.  These little mammals are extremely beneficial to our world.

    Larryr is a nin-com-p**p.

  6. Get a herd of cats.

  7. Moles are easy.  There are two different types of traps....the kind that stab them and the kind with two hoops.  Have had both, the hoop kind works the best....but its a tough one to set.  Some cats are good at moles.  Alternatively, put down grub killer when you are about to get a good rainfall (1") and that will reduce the number for next year.  

    Don't know answer for gophers except to shoot them.

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