
How do you get rid of moles from the garden?

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Several moles have made their home in my nana's garden (at least, there are several molehills!). How do we get rid of them? Humanely? Ideally we'd like to just deter them but if we have to trap them then so be it. Tried and tested methods people? Also, once they are gone, how do you stop them from coming back? We've never had a problem in the 5 years since my nana has lived there but just the other week one popped up...then another...then another and so on and they'll be knocking on the back door asking for breakfast next! Nothing too expensive please, and we live in the UK. Thanks




  1. we use dto put brick on top of the holes and that stopped them. maybe borrow some ones cat too. our neighbour had them so we lent them out cat and that stopped them

  2. The most recent teqhnique that i've used , is to put a heavy roller over the lawn . Admitedly , it was behind a quad , on a large lawn . You could borrow or buy a small (water filled) roller and just keep rolling it . Theory is that the little blighters don't enjoy digging in harder ground / their fodder don't like it .

          This  has the possible side effect of increasing moss .

  3. Moles hate vibrations. Get yourself a few battery operated stakes that you can drive in the ground. That will probably drive them away and keep them away. They are very sensitive to movement. Dogs and cats catch them all the time but they know how to sneak up on them with soft footed movements. Dogs are keen to smelling them as well. The vibrating stakes give them a sense of insecurity so they leave. Keep the batteries on hand. Really, I never tried them but it makes sense that they should work. Other home made things like plastic jugs turned up on a stick that are cut open with flaps to allow the wind to make it vibrate are very similar but a little outdated. Try the stakes... it won't kill them but it may keep them away. Hope it works!

  4. You can use traps. Try, and look for Havahart traps.

    I know you said Humanely, but I just want to make you aware that there is a poison bait out there that works VERY well for moles. It's a products called Talpirid. also sells Talpirid (best price too and really fast shipping).

    Talpirid is worm-shaped mole bait. All you do is drop them in the burrows. Before you know it your mole problem will be gone. Look up Talpirid if you're interested. You'll find lots of good reviews.

    As far as shipping though, it can't be shipped on extremely hot days or it risks melting. It has to be under 95F during shipping.

  5. You didn't say whether it is a vegetable garden or flower garden. If it is a flower garden, I would get some moth balls they act as a deterent small animals don't like the smell of them.  In the existing holes I would go to the local hairdressers and ask them for a garbage bag full of hair that they sweep up after haircuts.  Put the hair in the holes, that will direct the moles elsewhere.  You can drop the hair on or in the hole and use a broom handle to push it in further. Hope this helps, this is what my Great-grandfather use to do.

  6. I put unlit firelighters down the runs as they hate the smell of the lighter fluid and they do last for quite a while.

    I also set traps but they are very difficult to catch. If you use traps wear an old pair of gardening gloves when handling them or the mole will be able to smell you and you will have no hope of catching them. Set the trap in a run about 6 inches or so away from a mole hill.

    Unfortunately you can only deter them for so long as they will generally come back, even if you trap some others will move into the area so resign yourself to viewing it as an ongoing battle.

  7. Mole traps, or a hose down the hole to drown the buggers !

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