
How do you get rid of morning breath?

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I always have bad breath in the morning and I am not sure why. I brush my teeth like a crazy person and don't eat or drink anything except water afterwards. My breath is fine during the day, it's only when I wake up. How can I prevent bad breath in the morning/ get rid of it?





  2. The most potent scent/bacteria neutralizer is ethanol.  An old remedy for super-powered homemade mouthwash is to let cinnamon sticks soak for several days in a bottle of vodka (or if you're in Georgia like me, you can find moonshine!) and use as a mouth rinse.  I use cinnamoned everclear on really rough mornings.  It feels like you're rinsing with gasoline but you only need it to touch your mouth and it helps.

    Note:  DO NOT SWALLOW!  (Or if you do, don't drive)

  3. you have s*x  

  4. make sure you are brushing and rinsing before bed, that will help keep the bacteria from growing and your breath from being too stinky

  5. a mint. or mouth wash

  6. brush your teeth with crest pro health tooth paste and than after that use crest pro health mouthwas before you go to bed.  

  7. Make sure to brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash before you go to bed. It prevents morning breath. Try this for 5 to 7 days.  

  8. brush your teeth

    you cant prevent it cause there are bacteria resting on your tounge while you sleep and your not swallowing your saliva. Unpreventable

  9. Everybody has morning breath.  I brush my teeth before I go to sleep and still wake up with a crappy taste in my mouth.  

  10. lots o mints and look it up online. maybe you have a weird thing with your tonsils that makes your breath smell bad. go see a  doctor if it bothers you that much.

  11. eat somthing THEN brush your teeth, it works for me. like a bread or somthing. it'll kinda smother the taste and the smell. not biscuitts though. it needs to be like toast.

  12. brush your tongue in the morning. bad breath doesn't only come from your teeth - it's caused by the bacteria on your tongue.

    bushing your tongue will take away the icky morning taste as well.

    when I go to school, I don't have to worry about bad breath in the morning because brushing my tongue eliminates the problem.

  13. cant prevent you can only brush your teeth when yo wake up

  14. brush your teeth in the night and do not eat stuff as onion,garlic,...

  15. I dont think there is a way to get rid of it, but i think if you clean your teeth at night very well your morning breath will not smell as bad.  So brush, floss, and mouthwash.  But i think the only way to get rid of it is to brush your teeth when you wake up.  Oh and dont forget to brush your gums and your tongue too!

  16. ok first of all get a dental checkup.  If you have gum disease (periodontal disease) or decay or active infection in the mouth, no amount of brushing is going to help.

    secondly, some people have the correct answer here (many do not!)  Your saliva flow is decreased at night.  (you do not choke on your own saliva while you are sleeping).  The decrease in saliva limits your clearance of food and bacteria.  This is a good time for cavities to set in because your saliva isn't washing food out and sugar stays on teeth.  

    you say you brush.  But do you floss?  if you have a popcorn kernel inbetween your teeth at night, that's just rotting in there till you get it out.  

    So get your checkup.  Brush and floss at night.  Try a flouride rinse after brushing.  But you may still wake up with bad breath but it just won't be so bad.

    there are other causes of bad breath such as GI (gastointestinal) problems.  But get dental ruled out first.


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