
How do you get rid of noisy squaking seagulls?

by  |  earlier

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Noisy, messy and just not very pleasant - plus they attack me, my girlfriend and my dog when we walk past. Best course of action please? Council? Falcon? Bicarb of soda?




  1. Dogs work well. They will chase them off non stop. The rednecks shoot them with the shotgun saw one tie a peice of meat down and started tossing small bits of food around it when he had about 30 there just went nuts with a pump shotgun. alka seltzer works also but is expencive.

  2. Can try a fake owl up high in a tree or on your roof. Do you feed other birds? Seagulls will come to eat just about anything. They are really beautiful birds though. maybe you are near a nesting area. Loud nosises also scare them. Dont do anything that may hurt them as they are protected and you will be slapped with a huge fine. Not that you would but Im just saying.

  3. Try some rubber snakes. YOur local dollar store will have them in the toy department and cheap to. Theres also pie tins tied to trees they scare the birds off sometimes. Our wind chimes to make noise to scare the birds off. JO

  4. You don't say where you live but in most areas of the country seagulls are protected. They usually hover around dumpsters for food, bother people with picnic lunches at the beach, etc.

    I've never heard of them attacking people before. You don't say what you walk past when they attack you.  The only thing I can tell you is don't go where the seagulls are.

  5. Not much you can do.  They are a protected species.  It was there home long before you moved there.  That's one of the perks of living by the ocean/water.

  6. At marinas we use fake plastic owls.  They sell them at most boating supply places.   Work pretty well.  


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