
How do you get rid of pigegens on the roof of the house?

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How do you get rid of pigegens on the roof of the house?




  1. Usually people put fake owls on the rooftop.This i think will keep them away.

  2. Gun


  4. owl statue

  5. Spike strips.  Pound long nails into a board so that the nails stick out an inch or more.  The pigeons will not like to land on it.  I used it to get them off my ledge.

  6. send your cat up there

  7. Shotgun



    Destroy their nests

    Quit feeding the d**n things


    Paintball gun

  8. scare them away with the hose

  9. Try a fake owl. You can get them at home depot or lowes

  10. get a cat

  11. Well, you can always be like Granny Clampett and take them out with the shotgun, have Jethro stoke up the fire and make a mean pigeon pie with some hog jowls...

    (Can you tell that the Beverly Hillbillies is on... )

    The first step in getting and keeping pigeons out of any particular area is to make it as inhospitable as possible. Pigeons prefer to nest in high, out-of-the-way places like awnings, rafters, ledges, and attics. Search your property for any places that would make a good safe haven and seal them off using screens, fillers and plates. Flat, open areas can be protected by employing a tactile repellent (discussed below).

    There are many methods of deterring pigeons; the one you pick should be based on your unique requirements. Following is a brief explanation of each:

    Tactile Repellents

    A tactile repellent is any device or substance that can deter a pigeon from landing on or touching a surface. Examples of these include:

    Anti-Roosting Spike Strips – These spike strips can be attached to places a bird might perch to make it less attractive as a landing strip. They can be found online and at many hardware stores.

    Chemicals - Chemicals can also be used, the most common types are either sticky and uncomfortable for birds to perch on, or can produce pain on contact with their feet. These are specialized products and can be purchased in most places that specialize in pest control.

    Do-It-Yourself - A surface or perch can easily be made unusable with a little ingenuity. High, tight loops of chicken wire, modifications that turn a level surface into a sloped one, automatic sprinkler systems, and electrified wiring/fence kits are all good examples. Browse your local home improvement store for anything that looks like it would fit the bill.


    Scarecrows have been used for ages to keep birds away from crops. Scarecrow types that deter pigeons include owls, snakes, cats, and people. The key to using one of these successfully is to make it appear as lifelike as possible. Move it from one location to another every few days. A scarecrow that moves either randomly or responsively is usually more effective then one that does not. Windsocks that are made to look like animals can work well so long as there is enough wind to keep them ‘alive’.

    Ultrasonic Repellents

    Ultrasonic repellents are commercially available for every possible pest you can imagine, and for every pest we’ve researched they have been found to be complete failures at repelling any of them. Pigeons are no exception. Don’t waste your money on one of these.

  12. Place a plastic bird of prey (owl, hawk etc) on the roof to scare them off.

  13. Hmmm. Let me go figure out what a 'pigegen' is, and then I'll get back to you.

  14. put fried rice upp there and they'll explode, lol

  15. You can use a motion sensor turn on loud music. They will avoid your roof. You can put a radio in the Attic close to a vent.

  16. get one of those things that emits super-high pitches that animals can hear and we can't

  17. dont feed them,and scare them

  18. burn ur house down

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