
How do you get rid of pigeons?

by  |  earlier

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cant shoot them, its £2000 fine per bird




  1. Since US fines are in $, I assume you are in the UK.  Laws there about alternate means (trapping, poisoning, etc) vary, so it is hard to give definite guidance.

  2. a stuffed owl....or put up a scarecrow of Ozzy Osbourne!!!

  3. LOL -you could try what  the city of erie does they  actually plays a tape of preditor birds to keep them away pigeons and seagulls away from the bicennital tower

  4. This is a good that shows you all of the legal methods of controlling pigeons.

  5. The fake owls work for about a week...until the pigeons figure out  it never moves.  To make them really efective, you have to keep moving them about.

    If you have a barn they are roosting in, you need to mesh it off, so they can no longer gain entrance.

    Try to eliminate all water and food sources for them.

    A small terrier type dog that will go after them, never allowing them a moments rest to forage on the ground will do a lot towards moving them along.

    Anyone in your area hunting with hawks or falcons?  Search out these people, I believe that sport is still legal in the UK.  Invite them over!

    If you know where they are nesting, prevent such activity next year.

    If you cannot legally shoot them, can you legally snare them in mist nets in the UK?

    Hang flashing CDs with a bit of fishing line.  Birds hate them, as they twist and flash in the sun and breeze.  

    Build an obnoxious human sized, very flappy scarcrow, and move it daily.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S. I almost forgot, if you want to be interactive yourself, buy a hawk shaped kite, and go after them on a breezy day.

  6. Hang a few spoiled CDs around the area you don't want the birds

  7. You circle your property 7 times and on the 7th circuit you do the macarena with feathered headress, grass skirt and maracas singing loudly. You will be carted away and never see the pigeons again. End of problem :]

  8. Try shaving

  9. Eat them..

    That's what gordon ramsey does!


  10. you have to put salt on you front and back yard

  11. run around them and then jump near them. It works for me

  12. put a pie tin on a string and hang it from the window

  13. put seed in your niegbors yard.

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