
How do you get rid of shin splints?

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I got mine from track and they huuuuuurt!




  1. Sadly, taking time off is really the only cure.  However, I take Alleve and use a ton of icy-hot to run through the pain.  Heating before activity also helps.

    Also, the dixie cups and ice immersion are very helpful after.

    Also, I often sit against the wall and put my feet up against it and elevate that way.  It feels sooo good.

  2. by strechin

  3. The best thing that you can do for shin splints, that I have found is this.... Take paper Dixie cups, put water in them and freeze the cups. Rip the top inch or so off and rub your shins, sounds strange but youll see what I mean. Another thing that really helps, but is quite painful itself, is called Ice Emersion. Fill a small trash can with ice, the rest of the way with water, then dip each leg for about 15 minutes, it hurts and feels like your toes will fall off, ha ha, but it works!! PROMISE

  4. take some time off, ice your legs, and stretch both parts of your calves

  5. A good rub down, Ice usually doesn't help, sitting down doesn't really help either..lactic acid will build up and make your legs stiff and throbbing...I say a nice warm bath =]..or pain killer hahaha

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