
How do you get rid of spirits in your house?

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I have a friend with a five year old daughter who is traumatized at night by nightmares of a man bugging her. When she's awake she see's spirits. I've been to the house and there is alot of unsettled feelings and activity. Should a medium be brought in to try to get to the bottom of their unsettled ways or a priest?




  1. call ghostbusters

  2. I agree with previous answers that the first thing to do is address non-paranormal answers to this problem. Is there something traumatic going on in this little girl's life?

    If there persists a feeling that something evil/supernatural is going on, then my own view would be to contact a Christian minister. But getting them to pray for the house is secondary. The first thing, in my view, would be to make sure that the hearts of the people living in the house are right with God. When they are filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, there's a lot less room for anything nasty to flourish.

  3. Don't encourage her superstition. Tell her that it's her imagination and such things don't exist.

    Somebody has obviously put this stupid idea into her mind and children will believe anything you tell them

  4. Make a symbolic peace offering to the spirit. Maybe the spirit likes a house that smells like apple pie, or  fried chicken on Sunday. Do something to recreate the past that will calm the spirit into accepting you into what they feel is their only home.

  5. It may sound crazy but I just drink them....they don't last long

  6. You can "get rid of spirits" simply by not believing in them. All they are is your imagination getting to you. Nightmares are normal, kids have vivid imaginations and are VERY susceptible to suggestion especially from their parents, so if you're indulging her in this ghost talk, she is going to run with it and keep "seeing" more ghosts. Your unsettled feelings are mere self-fulfilling prophecy stemming from your own power of suggestion and imagination.

    That's all this is.

    If you, your friend and her daughter leave these ideas from the Dark Ages behind, I think you'll find that these "spirits" disappear quickly. If your friend really thinks her daughter is actually seeing things, she needs a medical doctor, not a medium. Please encourage your friend to do the responsible thing for both her daughter's mental and physical well-being.

  7. Easy.  Stop imagining that they are there.  No, your friend's daughter doesn't need a priest.  She needs to see a doctor.  There are documented medical conditions that cause those symptoms, and they can be life-threatening.  Soon.

  8. Some answerers should not dismiss this too lightly.

    If you get a spirit medium in, the spirit will go. If there is no such thing as spirits, at least the suggestion to the human mind that they have been exorcised away will be enough to stop these imaginations happening!

    Never underestimate the power of the human mind!

  9. try this also put vinegar in the middle of each room and do a very thurough cleaning of the house. dump all the dirt and dust far far away then after a day or two dump the vinegar far far away. The vinegar is supposed to drive away bad spirits and keep the good ones while the cleaning sweeps away all bad spirits to.

  10. Don't waste time investigating the supernatural.  Look for a more realistic cause of the girl's problems.  Is she on medications?  Are there noises in the house?  Is this her way of crying out for help?  Is her diet full of junk food, or is she eating healthy?  Is she insecure?  Is her family situation stable?  Or, is there really a man bugging her?

  11. First off, let me address the nightmares. Many children deal with night terrors, and in this case, the child may need to see a doctor. But the night-terrors by themselves do not necessarily constitute paranormal activity.

    Second, do to children's incredibly active imagination during their developmental years, it is not wise to deem a house "possessed" without some further evidence.

    This brings me to your third point. You mention it being an unsettling place with odd activity. This could be concerning. However, I can assure you that a medium is not the best route to take. While mediums may contact spirits, they are not the most helpful with ridding them. As most will even tell you, they don't really have the means to assuredly do so.

    So there are a few courses of action that could be taken. First off, decide if there is actual paranormal activity, or if the entire situation has been blown out of proportion by explainable occurrences and a child with an active imagination and night terrors.

    If it is decided, there are two choices:

    1. They could move to a location where they feel safe and secure. If this issue is really troubling them, they may find it best to simply find a more suitable place to live, away from the trauma of the entire situation.

    2. They could speak with a minister or priest who deals with such issues, and has a higher success rate than a medium. Christian leaders are the best to contact, as they have a very effective and direct method of dealing with such activity. If you choose the route of getting help, I can assure you that you will be most satisfied with the results of a Christian leader, for the reasons I have previously mentioned.

    I hope I have been helpful to you, and that the situation is resolved soon.


  13. Ignore what is going on (they are looking for attention), ask the spirit(s) to leave that they are not welcome.  As for the 5 year old, let her know there is a "special recipe" give her a spray bottle with a water, touch of food coloring,  touch of perfume, glitter or other simple concoction to spray at the spirits or scary entities.  Let her be involved in the making of this "special spray".  This will make her feel as if she has some control.  Don't tell her it's water. Spirits do not harm people.  Ever heard of it happening???   I've been through this in my life.

  14. Call a priest. The Vatican is supposed to be more receptive to this sort of thing then past popes.

  15. maybe u could get your local priest to bless the house, might work...

  16. She's five.

    And "The Sixth Sense" was a work of fiction.

    It is very common for children of this age to experience night terrors or recurring nightmares. The parents need to be supportive of her, despite their rough nights' sleep as this will pass. they should comfort and help her back to sleep without transferring her to their room or anything silly.

    Perseverence is key here. We should pity the girl, it must be horrible for her, but she's at that age and it's very common.

  17. A Spiritualist Medium would be better than a Priest. I am a Spiritualist Medium, but I guess too far away to assist. I have asked my Guide to check situation out, and assist the cleansing. I feel something has been going on in the house, which has led to the awakening of this restless Spirit.A child of that age shouldn't be troubled in that way. But if it helps I have put out healing prayers for the cleansing of the home.I can be contacted at should you require further assistance. Have you a Spiritualist church in your vicinity? Try there! I get Marcia there.

  18. pore the spirits down the drain always works for me

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