
How do you get rid of the smell of smoke??

by Guest58934  |  earlier

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my dad's house smells like smoke. When school comes up I don't want to smell like smoke. Any suggestions?




  1. I think you should ask your dad not to smoke in the house. Even though it's his house and all, he should be a bit more respectful to other people, especially his child.

    Of course if you don't want to go that far and are not bothered by it THAT much, even if it's hazardous to your health, you can do what the first poster said.

  2. My daughter is a smoker and she would spray Febreze on her clothing before she left for work. I don't smoke, so I know what you mean by smelling like a ashtray. Can you ask your dad to not smoke in the house? Let him know why.  

  3. Ozium air sanitizer spray.  You can buy it locally or through the internet.  I lived with a heavy smoker and I would spray it in my room and also a quick spray to kill the lingering cigarette smoke that always permeated the air and my clothes before leaving the house...worked great.  You can read review of this product on

  4. You really should ask him not to smoke in the house. Who knows, he might just listen to you and start smoking outside!

    Otherwise, try Febreeze or something. Don't put on a ton of cologne. Then you'll smell like a mixture of an ashtray and cologne. Ew.  

  5. try using vinger and laundry soap togeather and do a full wash put a box of moth balls or baking soda in your closet for some freshness ex smoker

  6. Light some Incense

    Light a fragrance candle

    open a window

  7. Don't wash his clothing with yours. The smoker stink will come off on your clothes in the wash.

    Make sure that your room in a no smoking zone and keep the door shut. Keep your clothes in your dresser and closet and put them there as soon as they come out of the dryer. Use dryer sheets in the dryer. Take shower in the the morning and dressed right before leaving the house.  

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