
How do you get rid of the toothpaste taste?

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Normally for me it takes like 2 hours to get rid of it. Are there any tricks to getting rid of the taste so I can eat lunch?




  1. i used to have the same problem as you.  the problem is that most popular toothpastes have artificial sweeteners in them like aspartame.  these have incredibly strong flavors that stay with you for a long time after you brush your teeth.  i also find them to be pretty harsh and uncomfortable.  you should find a toothpaste that is sweetened naturally or that doesnt have sweeteners like toms of maine or another brand of natural toothpaste.  once i started doing this the taste is out of my mouth once i rinse right after i brush.  its way better.  and now i know im not using some weird chemicals in my mouth either.

  2. rinse with water multiple times then mouth wash

  3. don't brush your teeth.

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