
How do you get rid of your brothers fiance?

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My brother just got engaged...he's known her for 7 ******* months. We used to talk every day, hang out all the time...super close. Now I couldn't tell you the last time I've hung out with least not with out her. Its gotten so bad that they have to hold hands...IN THE HOUSE!!! Like I'm talking walking from the bathroom to the couch with fingers interlocked like superglue. Here's where it gets weird... On my birthday, we had a dinner and of course they sat next to each big deal right? WRONG...they held hands the WHOLE dinner....they are both right handed, and here she is trying to eat with her left hand and cant get her beans on her, logically most people would let go and eat..I mean we have to survive don't we??? OH no, you know what these mofos did? They put their forks together to get her beans on...oh yes, he took his free hand that he was eating with, to help her and not once did they flinch or let go. I mean this is not good...they are going against survival!!! HELP!! Ok so maybe I don't wanna get rid of her...but something needs to happen. Any suggestions??




  1. They are wildly in love, and you should be happy for your brother!

  2. lol bitter much?!

    There's nothing wrong with that, you should be happy he found love.

    You'll be equally as annoying when it happens to you, don't worry.  

  3. My best guess would be, sit down have a talk with both of them. Tell them you want some time to hang out with your brother as you did before. Even if he is engaged, doesn't give him the right to push his family aside. I'm engaged and I try to spend as much time with my fiancee and her family as well as my own. And still make everyone happy.  

  4. They are in love, let them be, soon enough they will realize they each have flaws and that will either make their love stronger or break them apart, but its still new to them so the mooshy gooshy PDA is normal. Sounds more like your missing time with your brother. you need to just talk to your brother and tell him that you miss hanging out and ask him to do something just you and him sometime. Hes yoru brother he should be able to accomidate that. I know its hard but soon enough you will be their too with a significant other, lol. Good luck~

  5. I think you have problems.

  6. sweety thats love, dont wish bad things for him be happy hes happy dont be selfish! youll have that one day and i bet it would break your heart knowing your brother was on here wanting to get on here and asking how to get rid of your fiance. be nice! also pul your brother a side and tell him how you feel tell hime your hurt and you miss yalls time. thats all you have to do,

  7. HAHAHA thats funny, but sad. they need to relax, plan a day w/your bro just the two of you. take his phone away so he can't have contact with his fiance. and just relax. the need to if they want their marriage to work out...

  8. You're bitter.  Seek help.

  9. I agree that they are in the lovey dovey faze, holding hands is fine, but at Dinner?? That would have been too much for me too. Talk to your brother, with or without his new appendage, and tell him you miss your fun times together and would like some time together just you and him-then ask her if you and her could go shopping together sometime, just the two of you so she doesn't feel left out

  10. U must not be dating anyone..if u were u would understand that in the beginning its all about them n no one else..things are still fresh with them..ive been with my bf for 2 yrs n i still choose to do everything together..stop being a hater n stay out of it..the question should be "how do i find love like my brother"..get over ur selfishness n let ur brother be..if it turns out to be a mistake than be there to tell ur bro "it'll be ok" not "i told u so"..grow up

  11. This will get old, trust me. Wait it out.

  12. They are in love! There is nothing wrong with that. Be glad that your brother found someone who loves him so much - and he obviously loves her.

    Instead of freaking out about it how about congratulating your brother? If you try to stop this you are only going to drive him further away.

    One day when you fall in love you will understand. Until then, just accept that your brother is happy...

  13. Ok that is a little silly the whole dinner thing. Talk to him and tell him how you feel. Tell him that you miss him and you want to spend time with him by himself. and tell him they are acting a little silly very gently. But be happy for him he has found love and you should be happy for them. Spend time with her too. Maybe you'll start to feel like you gained a friend, instead of like you lost a brother.

  14. Uh oh, someone's jealous!

    Look, they're in that goopy-sweet infatuation phase.  It will likely end eventually.  (I say likely, because I know one married couple that is still very like that and they've been together for over ten years.)

    You should be happy for him.  It's not easy finding The One, and eventually you will know exactly what I'm talking about.  Someday, when you truly fall in love yourself, you will understand.

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