
How do you get rid of your husbands girlfreind?

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i think know my husband is cheating on me i don't knw who the lady is but i know for sure he has a girlfreind he's been cheating on me 4 a long time but i can't divorce him because i don't want my children 2 have problems coping with the do i get him 2 break up with his girlfreind i've tried talking but that makes things worse our marriage wasn't really a happy one since the beginning but my marriage was arranged so i couldn't do anyhting about it. so please help? thx <3 <3




  1. my fiance says `poor girl`about you sweety. Youre stuck and i think its very good that you are thinking of your children, but however, you need to understand that though your children are too young to understand now, they will surely understand later down the road. what you cannot do is keep your children in this situation, in an unhappy marriage.

  2. I would stop making excuses, grow up and realize that your children dont need to be around that and &quot;get rid&quot; of the husband

  3. Since you had an arranged marriage maybe some of your family members can arange for him to break a leg and see the light.

  4. This is what I would do.  I would find out who she is, follow her to her residence and in a calm manner say this.  &quot;You are messing around with my husband and if you don&#039;t want any problems, you will leave him alone.  You don&#039;t know what kind of a woman I am or could be.  That is what you don&#039;t want to find out.  One thing I will start out with is taking you to court and suing you for pain and suffering you are causing my family.  Leave him alone or you will face my wrath and that is something you don&#039;t want.  Trust me!&quot;  Then, just walk away.

  5. there is only one answer, gain proof of the cheating and get a divorce.. there is no other way..  

  6. WELL IM sorry but there is no way for u to get rid of ur husbands mistress...u just have to either deal with it or let it go. u cant make anyone disappear that u didnt make appear..u know what i mean? like ur husband has the mistress and he decided that she was going to be in his life, u dont have the ability to change that. ur husband has to be willing to let her go but honey u cant make her leave. u dont have the power to. all u can do is either leave ur husband which i guess u dont want, give him an ultimatum or just deal with the fact that he is cheating on you...if u could just make her dissappear then she probably wouldnt be there in the first place

  7. My husband was cheating on me. We have 2 children.  It was affecting their lives as well as ours.  

    I divorced him!  They were 11 and 15 at the time.  It took a little adjusting because he was an abusive alcoholic.  But in time they healed and are doing great.

    I met and remarried a wonderful man. We just celebrated 22 years this May.

    You can&#039;t make him stop having an affair and if your children are old enough to know what is going on it will affect them.  If they aren&#039;t old enough its better to get them out of the situation before they do get old enough to understand.

    Because he won&#039;t quit and you will be arguing with him for a very long time until she either leaves him or you&#039;ve had enough and divorce him.

    You deserve so much better.  But if you can&#039;t do it for you then do it for the children. Don&#039;t stay because of them.  You aren&#039;t doing them any favor.  

  8. If you are staying together for the kids, you should really think again about that.  If you are fighting with your husband and are really unhappy don&#039;t you think the kids can see and feel that? It&#039;s better to be without a husband and have your children happy. You are really looking at this wrong. Good luck.

  9. You don&#039;t.  That is something he would have to do of his own choosing in order for it to mean anything.  There may be a few things you can do if you really want to.  I admire that you want to stay together for the children.  A broken home is so very damaging to kids.

    If you just want to stay together for the kids but are not really interested in your husband, then make that decision that you household will be a peaceful place for you all to live and be polite and friendly with your husband.  Treat him as a member of the family and live for your children&#039;s peace of mind until they are up and out of the house and then you can move on to you own life.  Don&#039;t choose this begrudgingly.  Do this with full understanding that you are two individual adults working together to raise responsible adults. Don&#039;t be bitter or ugly, that would be a waste of time would not benefit your children.

    If you want your husband back, then, woman, it&#039;s time to learn how to behave like a girlfriend again.  There is a great book out there called &quot;The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands&quot; by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  Women have a tremendous amount of power to improve their marriage.  

    Weather you decide just to be nice and have a pragmatic marriage or you decide to wake up the woman in you and win your husbands heart, I wish you good luck, for your children&#039;s sakes.  

  10. First of all, that&#039;s not right to stay with him while your kids are gonna find out anyway. They&#039;re better off without him.

  11. you shouldnt have to regardless if it was arranged marriage or not...if your husband loves you he will be only be committed to you. You cant change him. What you need to do is TALK with him. and you tell him what you will do if he doesnt stop. Because if he LOVES his children and really meant his marriage vow, he will stop. Otherwise, you have to stand firm and divorce. Kids should not have to see mom treated like dirt, thats worst than any divorce.

  12. you do not get rid of your husbands girlfriend you get rid of the husband so you do not catch the crotch rot or something

  13. you get rid of them both by taking yourself out of the picture.  then there is no problem.  your kids will suffer more if you stay with this jerk because they will think that it is OK to cheat or to be married to a cheat.  You are their example.  So for everyone&#039;s sake, leave him.  He doesn&#039;t care about you at all.

    Keep in mind that if he gives you AIDS the pain your kids will suffer by watching their mother slowly die is a lot worse than getting over a divorce.

    Sorry, dear.  Good luck.

  14. give her my phone #. i will be happy to help you.

  15. ur asking kids, teenagers, and some adults for help! Wow! go c a counselor! pray to our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ for help! Trust me He will help you! good luck

  16. i am sorry to hear that your husband is cheating on you.ask him to chose you or his girl friend.he cannot have you both.however,be sure and check if he is really cheating on you.then u to his family since your case was arranged marriage.i guess,this is the best solution.he should stop this act if he wants to stay with you.i wish u luck.

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