
How do you get smoke smell out of your house?

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How do you get smoke smell out of your house?




  1. It isn't easy.  Hotels charge $200 or more to guests who smoke in a non-smoking room.  They lose money on the cleanup and generally still get complaints of smoke.

    Here's what fema suggests for smoke cleanup after a fire:

    # Wash and disinfect all interior walls and hard surfaces with mild soap or other appropriate cleaning solutions or products, and rinse thoroughly. Don't forget inside cabinets, drawers and closets.

    # Launder or dry clean all clothing.

    # Wash, dust or otherwise clean all household items, including knick-knacks.

    # Disinfect and deodorize all carpets, window coverings, upholstered furniture and mattresses with steam or other appropriate equipment.

    # Upholstery, fabric window treatments, etc. can be spray-treated with deodorizing products available at most supermarkets, but do not use odor-masking sprays.

    # Have heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units and all ductwork professionally cleaned to remove soot, ash and smoke residue. Change filters when you first return to the premises and at least once a month for the first year.

    These would all apply for cigarette or cigar smoke as well.  In addition, I'm a big believer in baking soda.  Buy a ton of it and keep it open in various rooms of the house.  It's an odorless absorbant.

    I also like air filters:  my allergist recommends anything with an air filter, and although ozone-producers and ozone-producing filters like the sharper image one can be damaging to sensitive lungs, ozone production destroys molecules, including the smoke molecules you're not fond of.

    Whether it's a smoker or a fire, I'm so sorry about your house and hope the cleanup goes well.  Good luck!

  2. Things You’ll Need:




    Removing the smell from a room:

    Fill a small bowl more than half full of vinegar (white vinegar or cider vinegar will do the trick.)


    Put the bowl in the area where the smell is strongest, but out of the way of getting kicked or knocked over.


    In less than 24 hours, the smell should be gone. The vinegar will not "cover" the smell the way that deodorants do. Instead, the smells will be absorbed and will be gone.


  3. The most effective thing to use, in my experience, is joss sticks or incense cones.  They are wonderful and remove smoke smells, cooking smells, and bathroom smells.  They are eco-friendly and easily obtainable.

  4. killz,paint all the walls covered in smoke.

  5. Wash and repaint walls.

    Any woodwork and cabinets can be washed with water, baking soda, and vinegar. (inside and out) You will have to rinse this solution.

    Wash all drapery...I use gain, it really does a great job with odors.

    Shampoo carpets or you may have to replace them. (My house had 2 chain smokers and I had to replace the carpet.) If you do not have carpeting, wash the floors with the above solution.

    Shampoo furniture if needed. Invest in Febreeze!!

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