
How do you get someone to hate you?

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Well, theres two people I want to hate me. Yeah I know its a weird question, but they wont bug off.

One kid is a nerd that always sits next to me, but im a nice guy, I feel bad if I be rude, so I always smile and talk to him and stuff. I can't be like "F**K OFF!", or else I feel terrible.

Another is my best friend, who is a douchebag. I just want him to hate me, I don't want him to invite me to anything or want me to be there, or anything like that. I don't know why he even likes me, I hate him.




  1. I'm sure you've tried things before to get them to go away. Wanting people to hate you sounds pretty desperate. Just be careful what you do, or other people might end up hating you too.

    If you just want them to stay away, tell them that you're sorry, but you've had enough of them and they need to find someone else. You might feel terrible. It's not nice to do. But at least you won't scream at them.

    You could also tell them what you want them to change, like stop talking so much, or whatever, because you need space.

    But if you really want to make them hate you, find some other advice. I'm sure some answers will help you, like avoiding them, etc. If they're treating you badly, they may deserve to be treatly badly back. But if they've been nice to you, you'll be the bad guy.

  2. Sounds like it's just a matter of time and people will figure out what you are thinking and you will have plenty of people in your life that will really hate you.

  3. for the nerdy dude:always have 2 other people sitting on both sides of is easy to avoid someone if you know exactly where they are.

    for the friend dude:get another friend to do your dirty work...or when invited some where pretend to have other plans or pretend you were just grounded by your can also get your mom to fake ground you over the phone or tell your friend you aren't there!

  4. ignore him  

  5. well at work i mess with a lot of people since its so g*y like this one guy i just went up to him and hit him but i was like just messing around and he got all butt hurt wont talk to me now or my boss i told him if he got fired then id have to buy a monkey so we can have someone to dic around all day and now hes pissed and thats just what i did on thursday and friday so if u dont want to feel bad about it then just mess around like in a jokin way then if they get butt hurt and hate you its not ur problem u were just playin at least i know i was anyway give me best answer or ill find ur house and slap ur momma  

  6. First off lets deal with the "nerd" first. Don't be ugly to someone because you think they are a nerd. When I was in high school I was so mean to a lot of people because my friends and I thought we were sooo much better than others. I learned in later life this is not always the case. He might not have many friends and you are the only one who shows any interest in him. Try being a little more open to the thought of being his friend. I mean h*** it's only lunch, it's not like he is following you home. If you were to get him to hate you, then think about this, he might not have anywhere else to sit at lunch and he might sit by himself all alone. Good things come to those who help others. After getting to know him better, you might find out that he is a very cool person and he could be someone that you trust. Now is he is being loud and obnoxious, then tell him to tone it down a little bit.

    Now about the douche-bag, don't hate him. Life is too short to fill yourself up with hatred. Just tell him that you do not agree with how he acts. Still be his friend but from afar. You can always be friendly to someone without having to be their best friend. Another thing, you dont have to go to everything that he invites you to.

  7. jest tell them to backoff  

  8. tell them annoying stuff constantly, say like happy birthday at least five times to them each day

  9. tell them that you will be their best friend if they never talk to you again

  10. start sabotaging their stuff. borrowing pencils and not returning them. ask for money from them or at lunch ask if they can give you something then take it and sit with somebody else. laugh at them when the whole class is. be friends with people they hate

  11. Be an ***.

  12. if they have girlfriends(which i doubt the nerd does lol) flirt with their girlfriends and they might hate you

    try ruining their property, that usually pisses people off

    invade their privacy ex:get all up close and personal in their personal space lol thatd get me mad

    and next time the nerd comes over to you, just smile at him and say,

    "you know, you're really annoying. can you please stay away from me"

    then you wont feel bad because you werent yelling or saying "**** off!!!"

  13. just totally ignore them.

    act like they arent there.

  14. Just ignore them and don't go when they invite you places. Soon enough they will get the hint....Hope this helps

  15. just do whatever he hates ..  but u need to get to know him first then do it.. that would be mean tho.

  16. be really dumb around ur nerd friend, they hate u not knowing stuff ex: if he is a startrek fan ask him when chewbaka did this on startrek or where the enterprise did that whith luke on board...

    also you could be really clumsy around them, spill things on them and have lots of "accidents".

  17. just pretend that they`re not there. dont have to be rood, just don`t go into full blown conversation. and eventally they will go away,

    or you could just beat them senseless.

  18. well for the nerd, i would just politely get up when he sits next to me. Or just be nice and try to befriend him.

    as far as the best friend, i think that distancing yourself is the best way, just stop answering his phone calls and when he asks you to do stuff, just say no.

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