
How do you get someone to spill the beans?

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I was talking to someone and they slipped up and I think that something is going on. When I ask she always says "I can't tell you, I promised".

How can I get her to spill the beans? I really need to know what is going on for my own sanity




  1. reverse phsycology ?

    if its to do with you or about you then i suggest you tell your friend that if they dont tell you they can forget your friendship?

    if its not then why do you need to know? not your business.

  2. If someone else knows then say they told you and act like you know, then a few days later just say, "What did (s)he tell you? Then youll know.

  3. It's not necessary for her to spill the beans to you or anyone else. Count it a sign of maturity to respect other people's privacy. If the info is for you, the main person involved will tell you. Otherwise, the secret is not for you to know.

    A wise person spares his/her words; a fool tells it all, and bubbles out foolishness.

  4. if there wearing  watch open a tin o beans and put it in the watch hand and ask them the time,beans everywhere

  5. So, you are asking her to brake her promise then!

    There are ways and means, obviously, but generally they would be unpleasant, dangerous and illegal too.  Other than those, you can't 'get someone to spill the beans.



  6. whoever it is strengthen your relationship and like make her feel bad about not telling you maby tell her a little secret then say things like...

    "Im glad i can open up to you, i feel like i can tell you anything"

  7. that is very vague!-depends what and who the something is about? if its not about you- then I think that now you know something -if she has nobody else to confide to about it you have a pretty good chance of getting it out of her if you keep chipping away-so long as she trusts you not to say anything-otherwise there is probably not much chance of her telling you.

  8. Offer her $10 per word

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