
How do you get something shipped to the UPS office and not to your house?

by  |  earlier

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I have roomates and I rather have my packages shipped to the UPS office or whatever rather than my apartment, so I can just pick it up and not worry about my roomate messing with my stuff.




  1. The other two posters had good ideas, but here's a simple one you may not have thought of:  have it held at your apartment complex office.  Whenever you order the product just make sure to specify this to the shipper. That way you have it conveniently close to you and you can swing by the office to pick it up at your convenience.  You may want to clear it first with the apartment office manager, but they should be willing to do this for you, as long as you pick it up promptly and it's not huge quantities or really large boxes.

  2. I do this a lot.

    First find out if the nearest UPS to your apartment offers the service of holding the item (they will charge 2$ per box/per day). Then write the UPS address and in parenthesis write (For Pickup) so that they know that somebody is going to pick-up a package.

    You could also rent a mailbox at their location (if they offer that service), but that's a lot more expensive in my opinion.

  3. There is a difference between a UPS Store and a UPS Warehouse.  The UPS Store, as the person who posted previously stated, will offer a box you can purchase - similar to a PO box, regular mail can also be delivered there.  In fact some of the UPS Stores, used to be Mailboxes Etc.  If you don't want to pay - call on the day your package should be arriving and ask them to hold it at the UPS warehouse for pickup.  If it's an item that requires a signature they may have to make a delivery attempt before holding the package (fed ex works this way).  Either way, just calling and asking them to hold it at the warehouse is free.  Just track the package and call the day of the scheduled delivery.

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