
How do you get spray paint off a phone?

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Yesterday me and my brother spray painted the back of our phone and it looks weird! I regret doing it! But if any one knows hoe to get it off let me know soon!!!




  1. With alcohol.

  2. Nail polish remover might work, but might take off the shine, too.  If it is just the handset, you could get a cheap phone at Good will, and just switch out the handset by unplugging the curly cord?

  3. use an abrasive pad, soap and elbow grease, careful not to get the inside of the phone wet.

    if you have some paint and brushes for models you could carfully paint the whole phone to look consistent and maybe match the handset.

  4. I would say get some paint remover. Like from the hardware store. You could ask someone there what kind because i dont know what kind you would use because of the type of spray paint.

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