
How do you get spray paint off hands?

by Guest64147  |  earlier

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I got spray paint all over my hands, and I can't get it off. I tried nail polish remover, but it didn't work. Usually I'd just wait for it to go away, but I'm going out to dinner at a nice restaurant tomorrow and don't want to have paint all over myself. Thanks!




  1. gasoline

  2. I have done this myself, and use Avon - Skin so Soft.  It is also great to deter mosquitos.   Another great use is rub on a bottle or glass  to remove a price tag or label.  

    Hope this helps.

  3. Scrub it off with exfoliator or even a pumice stone

  4. Pour paint thinner, or really strong rubbing alcahol on your hands and then wash them in really warm water.

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