
How do you get started into illustrating children's books??

by Guest45389  |  earlier

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After high school I would like to get into illustrating, childrens books and stuff. I was wondering how you get into that, I will eventually talk to my counselor at school, but I was just wondering rite now. Anyone know or does anyone do this type of thing? Thanks.




  1. Go to art school.  While you can get away with it, possibly, without, its way way easier to get commissions if you have a background.  You'll also want to develop a portfolio that shows your versatility and style.  

    If you want to just sort of look into it with no experience, try looking on Craigslist under artist opportunities or in the jobs section under art/media.  There are usually requests there for childrens book illustrations.  

  2. You should certainly take a degree in Illustration if you are able to do so, and build up a portfolio of your work there which you will be able to show to clients. It's not absolutely necessary to have a degree, but the training and credence is a huge bonus.

    As a freelance illustrator you will probably not work solely in children's books, especially not at first, though you may be able to work entirely in that field in time when you have established a reputation. This is a great article by a children's book illustrator on getting into the business and what you can expect and watch out for:

    There are also some great websites and articles about freelance illustration online if you search for them. An internet presence is a great way to get your work out there - a personal website, and also joining sites which display freelancers' portfolios and advertise their services (there are quite a few of these).

    But if you're still in school, that link should contain all the info you need for the time being. :)

  3. you draw constantly till you are wonderful at it,then if your tops at it you get an agent I think and they represent you to book publishers.

    It doesnt matter what education you have,this is something deeply innate.

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