
How do you get straight A's?

by  |  earlier

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ive always wanted to know haha




  1. Study real hard at school and at home!!!

    And it helps if you're naturally very won't have to work as hard!! lol


  2. practice that's the only way really

    unless u want to cheat

  3. umm well u atleast need to do ur homework everyday and do all the project u recieve even if u didnt finish cuz its better to get some points than get any at all oh and in ur test u have to get above c+ if u get c+ on tests everytime that will only lead u to at least a b as ur overall grade  kk

    hope i helped


  4. Study smart. Do all your classwork. Learn the proper ways to take tests./

  5. How to get straight A's:

    1. Pay attention to the teacher in class.

    2. Take notes.

    3. If you don't get how to do something ask for help.

    4. Use study time wisly.

    5. Check your answers.

    Hope this helped if you have any more questions about how to get straight A's just ask me. : )

  6. 1. Take classes at an appropriate level. You should challenge yourself so that accelerated courses are included in your schedule as you able to handle them, but you shouldn't take classes that are too rigorous or too easy - there's no pride in earning A's in classes that are too easy for you anyway.

    2. Attend class. By not missing class, you have more complete knowledge of the material covered and just as importantly for your grade, you're more familiar with the schedule, you'll catch any tips, guidance, or practice your teacher offers for tests/homework, and you'll be a reliable study buddy for classmates (you have people to study with and there's a lot to be said for how much you learn when you teach others).

    3. Take notes. Most grades are based on tests and homework (though many include attendance and participation - another reason to make sure you're in class) and you'll earn better scores on those if you know what's going on in class. If it helps you take notes from your reading so that you can quick-reference the important ideas/events and again, have a more thorough knowledge of the material.

    4. Do your homework. Your grade will typically depend heavily on your homework and test scores. Do every assignment and turn it in on time (to avoid late penalties). Answer every question and if you need help - ask for it. You can ask the teacher, a friend, a classmate, a sibling/parent, etc. The Internet is a good resource, too.

    5. Be willing to put in the work. It requires good management of your time to get straight A's. You have to be committed to it! If you have other activities (clubs, volunteering, jobs) make sure that you're keeping good track of them so you don't get overwhelmed.

    6. I know you specifically asked about straight A's, but don't get too upset if you end up with an A- or a B+. Those are very respectable grades, especially if the class is difficult. It's important to set goals and earn good grades, but there's nothing wrong with having a 3.9. :)

    Lastly - do extra credit when it's available, don't just shoot for the minimum, and talk to your teacher if you have a B about how you can make it an A.

    Good luck!

  7. Get an "A" in each of your classes.

  8. Do your work, and make an effort to actually understand material instead of just memorize facts. If you are having trouble, most teachers will be willing to help you individually if you ask them after class.

    Or pay the teachers :)

  9. don't irritate the teacher, finish all of your homework and pay attention in class.

  10. i work hard and get 95% in each class:D

  11. Study, Study, Study, and Study some more!

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