
How do you get the cover off a storm drain???

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I just drove my husbands RC car down the storm drain by accident. I'd really like to get it back seeing as he just got it today and it was fairly expensive. The drain cover is a big round cement one, and think it is a few inches thick. I can see the car down there and its not dirty at all so I don't mind going down there if I can get the cover off. Any ideas?




  1. yea don't do it your self  call the city

  2. use two sturdy screwdrivers, and pry from different angles. Shovels will also work.  If you can, take something and hook, and pull up from the hole in the drain too.   Two is better than one, one pry, the other stick something underneath.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Remember, they are very heavy, some over 100 lbs. so don't squash your fingers or toes.  Be careful.  Hope this helps.

  3. Ha Ha, I 'm sorry that is just too cute!!

    Call the dept of public works in your area...they are designed that way so that the average "yoodle" can't get inside of them. Also, that's where rodents and reptiles live, proceed w/caution.

  4. Just call your local Department of Public Works and they will more then happy to assist you.  Do not remove the cover yourself as you could be cited for doing so.  Many cities require a permit to remove the cover.  

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