
How do you get the residue from a sticker off of something?

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How do you get the residue from a sticker off of something?




  1.   There's lots of things you can use to get the adhesive from a sticker off of something. I see a lot of people are suggesting going out and buying goo-gone.. which I'm sure that works, but why pay money when you can just use a household product you already have. One thing you can use is nail polish remover.  Another is petroleum jelly or toothpaste. Or you could just use a pencil eraser and then wipe it off with a wet rag. There are plenty more home remedy's for this. Try one, I'm sure you'll find one will work really well.

    The Following are other home remedy's for removing sticker residue-

    Hand Lotion

    Hair Spray

    Vinegar (soak cloth, apply to goo then leave for awhile–even overnight)


    Rubbing Alcohol

    Baking Soda & Water Paste (just rub gently into the goo, then wipe off with a warm wet cloth)

    Lighter Fluid


    WD-40 (set for 5 minutes) Paint Thinner

    Rubber Cement Thinner

    Artgum Erasers

    Peanut Butter

    Vegetable Oil (set for about 2 hours)


    Mayonnaise (leave set for a few hours or overnight)

    Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

    Furniture Polish

    For surfaces that you’re afraid to damage, try heating the sticky goo with a hair dryer then wiping off (firmly) with a wet warm & soapy cloth.

    Duct Tape (stick on goo firmly, life tape up quickly, repeat as needed)

    I think that about covers it. Let me know if this was helpful :)


  2. try peanut butter

  3. WD-40 and peanut butter both work

  4. Try using a piece of scotch tape. If you put the tape on it and smooth it out, grab the corner closest and pull it towards out and slightly upward. this should take off a lot of it, it takes off a lot more if the sticker was recently taken off. If you try that and it doesn't work as well as you would want then use the goo gone, i have heard good things about it

  5. Lighter fuel (the Liquid stuff used in Zippos), or Goo Gone.  Which ever is easier to get.

  6. WD40 works every time. Just make sure you don't use a wet rag.

  7. Eucalyptus oil, removes sticky residue as well as permanent markers on painted surfaces.

  8. If you use goo-gone which is good make sure it is a well vented room while using.

  9. if you're in a hurry and dont have time to buy some goo-gone then nail polish remover works pretty well. just be careful of what surface you use it on because it takes off paint.

  10. rubbing alcohol

  11. Eucalyptus oil on a soft cloth will remove any sticky residue.

  12. I work in a lumberyard/hardware store and we swear by Goo Gone. It should be available just about anywhere. I have seen it in Wal-Mart too.

    It's like an orange concentrate product and it works wonders.

  13. Goo Gone. Hands down the best cleaner for sticky stuff, and it is not highly flammable like some of the others mentioned.

  14. Definitely Goo-Gone. Best stuff on earth.

  15. I have 3 kids and I have been using goo gone for ever works great on stickers great on gum you

  16. goo b gone  or mineral spirits (paint thinner), i have found that paint thinner works great on any types of glue.  

  17. WD-40 works well on anything.  You probably have some around the house.  I have used it for years.  Learned that trick for a floor installer who got carried away with the glue

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