
How do you get the smell of dog pee out of an area rug?

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my dogs peed on a rug i have and i can't get the smell out! i have tried cleaning it with our carpet cleaner but it still smells horible! any ideas?




  1. Take it outside.  Lay it flat on the concrete.  Soak it with water.  Pour laundry detergent on it, gentle wipe the laundry detergent in mith your feet and or hands.  Rinse with water.  Pour laudry softner (Downy) on it , rub it in, rinse again with water, hang to dry.

  2. Natures Miracle works very well or white vinegar and water. If the smell is really into it though sometimes you just have to replace the rug.

  3. white vinegar.     urine is alkaline based,  you need something to break it.   white vinegar. to make it smell pretty use shampoo it is another alkaline breaker.

  4. Viniger and Rubbing Alcohol mixture-- its the cheapest and it works wonders

  5. Hot water and white vinegar will nuetralize the odor.

  6. Try scrubbing it with club soda, or use a product that is specifically manufactured for removing dog stains and smells.

  7. You have gotten some great answers for how to get the smell out of your rug as far as human's ability to smell goes. But, Sara is right about getting a deodorizer to take the smell out so your dog can't smell it. Walmart and pet supply stores sell this product.

    Dog's like to pee where they've peed before. Your rug can smell super to you but the dog's ability to smell is much better than ours so you need the treat the rug so the dog can't smell it. Good luck!! : /

  8. You can try products like Fabreeze or common carpet cleaners, but I have found what works the best is Oxyfresh Pet Deoderizer.  You can fine a bottle here:

    Usually, if you go to your local petstore they will also have products like this.  For example, Petsmart offers "Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover" which works well on urine.  

    If you have cats you will definitely want to rid yourself of the smell or they will try to mark their territory.  (This was especially bad in my household) and I have found sprinkling some baking soda on the area (after you clean it with carpet cleaner or Fabreeze or Oxyfresh) and let it sit for an hour or so and then vacuuming the spot works well, too.

  9. Petco has a wonderful product called Petrotech Dog Stain and Odor Eliminators

    It works..

  10. I've tried household carpet cleaners. Fabreeze,Lysol and though they work initially for me they didn't stop my dog. Finally found SEE SPOT GO at Petco. Sprays spots & odor away instantly.

  11. You should go to a pet store and get some pet stain remover and deodorizer.  Even Wal-Mart sells it.  I have a great one that smells like baby powder!

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