
How do you get the smell of gas out of clothes?

by  |  earlier

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We accidentally put the suitcase under this shelf, which had a thing of gas and it leaked all over the suitcase, and seeped into the suitcase. Now all of my clothes smell like gas. I washed them like ten times and the smell will just not go out. Is there anything I can do. I don't have very many clothes and I can't afford to get all new clothes. I'm left with one shirt and two bottoms. Someone please help.




  1. This is a tuffy.  I would use some Ivory soap, you can buy it at the store also get yourself some Borax.

    Wash the clothes on warm with Ivory soap & Borax-let it soak maybe over night or while you are at work, wash the clothes again, then add to the rinse cycle either a few drops of tea tree oil or a couple cups of vinegar, wash again, then if you can I would air dry out side in the sun, if you can not do that I would dry on a med. setting and see if that works--Good Luck

  2. It is actually a pretty easy fix. My husband's grandmother showed my this trick for his clothes. You pour green mouth was in with the wash! You wash the clothes as normal with soap - I always use Tide and add the mouth wash before or after you put the clothes in! I usually go around the agitator twice but if they are really bad it isn't going to hurt anything to use the whole bottle. It wont discolor your clothes or anything. Just be sure to get the green kind not the blue - for whatever reason it doesn't work well. It doesn't have to be the name brand either, I always just get it from the dollar store! It works great!!!

    Good luck to you - I hope this helps!

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