
How do you get the smell/ residue from bleach off your hands?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I touch undiluted bleach (while cleaning or pouring it in the laundry), I get a oily residue on my hands. I wash my hands, and they still smell like bleach. Is there something other than hand soap (i've tried that) that removes the residue and smell?




  1. Well I wash my dishes in bleach and yes it does make your hands feel slick and greasy and smell oh so very bad , But once I am done washing my dishes and I wash my hands the smell is still there no matter what kind of soap i use , so I keep lemons , I cut one in half and i scrub my hands with the lemon , and then I sprinkle some baking soda on my hands and i wash them in the baking soda and then with the other half of the lemon and scrub my hands with it again and then rinse and to me  it takes the smell of the bleach away  not  100 % but  i would say on me about 96% of the bleach smell is gone and all i smell is the lemon ...Hope this helps you , it does work for me


  2. Try not to touch undiluted bleach.  To remove the smell wash hands in hot soapy water, the liquid hand washes are better and especially the perfumed ones. Might need to do it twice.

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