
How do you get the video from your ultrasound?

by  |  earlier

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My Husband probably won't be able to make it to the all important gender ultrasound, and it will be the first where the baby is really moving-- and I don't want him to miss out-- the pictures just aren't good enough.

Does anyone know how you get the videos of your ultrasound? like all the ones that are posted on youtube? That way its like he was there, and i can also send them to my family who lives out of state.




  1. Depending on how old the machine you will need to bring a blank VHS tape or DVD.  Call your UT to confirm this.

  2. when I went to the doctor they had a television on the wall to see the baby-

    it also had a recorder in it.

    I had to bring a tape to them tell them i wanted it recorded and they did...

    I put mine on myspace

  3. You will need to find out if the place you are getting your ultrasound done at does videotapes of them.  Maybe they'll do it if you ask?  If not there are places that do ultrasounds that sell you & video.

  4. My doctors office does not offer this but most private places that do ultrasounds for fun do. That is where we got our video.

  5. ask the people./

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