
How do you get this fast!??

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wow look at their times. how do they get that fast?? seriously i train so hard and my times aren't anywhere near those! and im actually really good but these people are amazing (they're in the 13-14 age group. i just turned 13) how do i get that fast??! i already swim hard workouts for 2 hours everyday and weight lift sometimes..... what else can i do




  1. that is really fast. I've coached swimteam for two years and have been swimming since i was really little.

    so here's my input.

    train in the water twice a day.

    focus on technique, an sprints....

    try swimming bigger sprints to get your endurance up.

    you have to think about your goal constantly, but only worry about cutting off small amounts at a time.....i mean only tenths of a second. you do not drop of seconds on the 50 free.

    eat a good diet.

    protein shakes in the morning, and tons of carbs

    you'll need to do a ton of out of water training, and not just your legs and arms but your abbs as well and other muscles.

    If your going to aim for this goal your have to devote your time and life to it, it does not come easy.

    Your flip-turns and dives are extra important on the 50 free. this is were a race is won or lost. work at least a hour a week on this.

    get a private coach or lessons, no swimmer that swims that fast swims that fast naturally, or just with a normal coach.

    overall, i hope you understand that not all people are going to reach that point in there swimming Carrier, it not normal to be that good... few people break a 26 or 27... well if your a girl boys get much faster... so don't get upset.. work well and good luck.

  2. Do you have a coach to train you? Then maybe 2 hours isn't enough, try and make it 4 hours per day, we swim 2 hours in the morning and another 2 in the evening monday-saturday. During holidays, which is now, we train 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. Training should be extremely hard, you really have to pace yourself, and sort of run out of breath and always swim your fastest, like it is a meet, that way you keep building on your best times, you really need to get tired. Make sure your trainings are correct, that you're doing the right exercises, we usually start off with a 400 IM warm up and then a 400m fly, it is a very good idea to train with long distance and exercise your lungs, for they are the most essential part of swimming. Swim one lap of freestyle no-breathing, get flippers and do a lap of butterfly kicking no- breathing. You really need to exercise your lungs, as not breathing will take time off. I don't know why I'm telling a stranger all these secrets that my coach tells us but never mind. If your times aren't that fast yet, don't worry, just make sure you train really hard every single day and never ever miss trainings, even if you're sick. You will catch up to them in a year or so as they have reached their peek, it is always hard to improve on really fast times, however YOU can improve, so make sure put your heart in every single training and listen to your coach, he/she knows what is best for you and don't come out lazy and swim slow when you get tired, the whole point of training is to get very tired, so if you're tired, that means you're doing it right, if you're not tired it means you're not swimming hard and fast enough. You'll catch up in a year or two, as long as you don't quit and make sure you get to trainings punctually, in fact if you can a hour early, swim with your heart into it, pace yourself.

    Good luck with your career!

  3. Lol how many metres are there in 50 yards!? ovbiously they will be fast times if they are the fastest ever recorded times...but i dont think you need to worry though, with time you will be catching up with those times...some ppl are natural swimmers and that is why at the age of 13-14 they are doing times like that. U will find at aroun 16-17yrs the hard work will really start to pay what im saying is give it time.. with hard training you can get there.

    Another suggestions could be change of technique, small things help alot and will help you swim faster times. Also make sure the weights you are doing are the right kind for swimmers..if you are building to much muscle this could slow you down!

    But other than that keep up the hard work =) one day it will pay off.

  4. try running in water. it'll make your legs stronger, so that your mussles will be able to do more.

  5. I'm wondering the same thing! I want to be a stronger and faster competitive swimmer and I just don't know what to do besides practice practice practice.

  6. Dont miss training ever.  Listen to your coach.   He is the boss of you in your sport. Be the first at training and the last to leave. Eat and sleep well.  Don't cut corners.  Remember, practise doesn't make perfect, perfect practise makes perfect.

    Learn to take the bad with the good.  You have to be able to lose before you can win.

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