
How do you get through menopause successfully?

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It is coming in a few years or so and I do not look forward to it. Any tips?




  1. billions of women have gone through menopause "successfully" seeing as how it's been happening since human existence.

    proper nutrition, water, strength training and a positive state of mind. Only in North America do women make such a huge deal out of something so natural.


  2. Try not to let all the hype about the symptoms get you worrying ahead of time. It's not as horrible as the articles, books, and talk shows make it out to be. Some women have more trouble than others with loss of hormones.

    Memory loss, confusion, mood swings, hot and cold flashes, irregular spotty or extreme periods, dry skin, hair loss, on and on. Not all of these things happen to every woman. In my case, I had night sweats and could not wear sweaters or warm clothing because my internal thermostat was out of whack. I just dressed accordingly and used a fan in my bedroom at night. Periods came and went and then they did not come at all which was just fine with me! Peri-menopause is usually quite gradual I think.

    Hormone replacement therapy might help but there are also holistic

    herbal remedies that are very good.  

  3. Menopause is a stage in life when a woman stops having her monthly period.It is a normal part of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause needs 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of salt to reduce bloating associated with hormonal changes. More information and remedies at

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