
How do you get to Crystal?

by Guest67240  |  earlier

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How do you get to Crystal? (Revised Question)

Crystal is a girl in a room with the door locked from the inside, the wall is barricaded and the window is over a 100 foot drop with no attachment points.

How do you get to Crystal?




  1. You  ask Crystal to open the door!!!!                    SOLOMON

  2. I know the other answer is correct.........but, I wonder if you know the old kids story, which you have to hear not read, of course.

    A man is locked in a room (as you describe).  He rubs his hands together until they are sore. He takes the saw (sore) and saws his bed in half.  He puts the two halves together to make a whole.  He goes to climb through the hole, when he sees how high he is.  He tears his stocking creating a ladder (don't know why a man is wearing stockings, but there you are) He puts the ladder through the hole and climbs down.

    He shouts until he is hoarse.  Gets on the horse and rides away.  Tally Ho.

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