
How do you get to meet strangers?

by  |  earlier

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well the people i know are all from school.

like this girl in my apartments, i can make small talk, but am i suppose to start a conversation, and how do i even assure myself ill see her around again

didn't post this in singles and dating because they re always so many new questions on there




  1. you just have to talk to people!

    you might see them again, you might not, but thats the risk you gotta take.

    take that girl for example, you should try having a real conversation with her.. she lives in your building right? so chances are youll see her around again. it might not happen right away but eventually you coiuld have a new friend!

    you could also join clubs outside of school. is there anything your interested in? any sports your good at? well join a team! or two! youll deffiantly meet some new people there, and probably some friends.

    another way is to make acounts on things like facebook, myspace, bebo or vampirefreaks (im sure theres more i just cant think of any) you can make some pretty good friends of those things - trust me. they may not neccisarily be in your town, or even your country, but its nice to have people to talk to over the internet (or phone).  thats how i met my friend kyle.. we met on vampire freaks and i drove up to his town and we hung out at the mall for a while - it was fun!

    haha hope i helped!


  2. Just be careful who you talk to though. Try avoiding websites like Myspace, and Facebook. Go outside and meet new people. And if you've already started school, try making new friends.

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