
How do you get to sleep at night?

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I go to sleep at 3am i need lots of help!




  1. well since you have been going to sleep all the time at 3am your body is not programed to stay up until 3.  what i would do is start by going to sleep at 2 and then the next night at 1 and keep doing this until you are at about 11 or 10.  this way you will get enough sleep and your body will get use to going to bed at this time so it wont be a problem.  you need to settle down doing things when you are about to go to bed.  i usually lay in bed with the lights off and watch tv for  a while and then go to bed. you could also try reading or listening to your ipod.  these should also help you feel more tired so you can go to sleep.

  2. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  3. i take 2 simply sleep pills and after that read a book for 30 minutes i fall asleep when ever i lay down and wake up at 10

  4. I try reading.  A lot of times that makes me just fall right to sleep.  Also my room has to be pitch black; not a single ounce of light in sight.  Try taking a warm bath, tylenol (could be uncomfortable and you're just so use to it that you really don't notice til you take a pain reliever.)  I take benadryl at night due to the fact that I have really bad allergies and that knocks me out in about 15 min.

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