
How do you get up on a slalom water ski??

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How do you get up on a slalom water ski??




  1. arms straight, knees bent up to your chest. float in the water, not leaning forward or back, but in a neutral position.  keep contact between your rear end and the tail of the ski. one palm up, one down on the handle. right foot forward, left palm up, rope on the right side of the ski. left foot forward, right palm up, rope on the left side of the ski. have driver tighten the rope first by saying "ok" when the rope gets tight say "pull" as the boat moves try to keep the tip of the ski not a lot out of water but like you want it to be running parallel to the waters surface. keep the back of the ski up with your butt. you don't want to lean back you want the boat to pull you up. slowly start to pressure the ski so it will not wobble. as you pressure the ski you can start to stand up. SLOWLY.. once up keep your hips up and the handle by your hips.  

  2. First learn on two skis then kick of one ski. once you are comfortable on skiing on one ski then try to get up on one. what you do is you hold your other foot out in front of you as if you had two skis on, then as the boat goes lean back and make sure your ski stays in the middle and doesn't go off to one side. i found it quite easy as i got it first time. Don't be in a rush to stand up and make sure your arms aren't bent

    hope you get up.

    Happy skiing

  3. Check out this link.

    There are 2 videos on how to do the deep water start.

  4. with a fast boat, and lots of arm, leg, and ab strength

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