
How do you get urine and the smell of it off a mattress??

by  |  earlier

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My little boy is in night time toilet training and has had a couple of accidents, how do you get it out the mattress and the smell is horrid, any help??

I have scrubbed it with disinfectant etc




  1. Well, there is this spray you can buy in most pet stores that is used to get rid of stains and smell that is for dogs, but I bet it'll work anyway.

    Hope my advice helps!

    This one is for cats:

  2. This may sound strange, but try the febreze for pet odors.  I used it when i moved into my apartment.  The people before me had a dog and it had marked in a corner.  It took the smell out completely.  I had to repeat use for about a week, but it worked.

  3. buy a new one.

  4. Buy over9000 Mattresses

  5. use a matteress protecter, for future accidents also use neat dettol and when dry put carpet freshner on shake and vac sort leave for a few hours and vac it really does work, and smells fresh again... tested and tried myself.....good luck

  6. try oxyclean

  7. I use a spray solution of 10% bleach and the rest water.  Let dry.

  8. gasoline and a lighter.

  9. New mattress

  10. Try getting an enzyme spray for pet accidents like Nature's Miracle or ODORBAN.. They will "eat" the stain away and help the smell.... Then go and get yourself a couple waterproof mattress covers that can go right into the laundry... Or some "chucks" pads... OneStepAhead sells sheet covers as well....

    Good luck

  11. Kids you gotta love em.......   :)

    Use white vinegar.  Put in a spray bottle spray on, let dry.  Spray on again and scrub.  Spray again and you are good to go.

    Vinegar gets nasty odors out of LOTS of things.  

    Get a mattress pad even if its for your bed.  I wish I would have before I got a few stains from my children's juice, or accidents.

    How come they always end up in our bed?????  :)

  12. next time put down plastic(open a plastic trash bag up) and put that under his sheets so it won't leak into the mattress. i don't know about the smell. try febreze.

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