
How do you get what you need to homeschool?

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i am trying to homeschool my child




  1. Many ways.

    Library, bookstores, etc.

    Over the years I purchased things from used-curriculum sales, from friends, at garage sales, and sometimes over the internet.

    The best purchase I ever made was a 22 cd set of self-teaching method curriculum -- all printable instructions and books for reading and writing.  We bought math books from various places.

    All I needed for the past 10 years was the 22 cds, a computer, a printer, paper, pencils and notebooks.  It is very inexpensive.

    If you order from the website please say Hi to Arnold for me! (Barb)

    additional commentary:

    look up for the TRUE studies on home-schooling.  Dr. Brian Ray has a phenomenal amount of information.

    And BTW:  My two daughters were home-schooled for their entire pre-college education.  Each one has had NO problem in  meeting wonderful young men.  They are both getting married this year.

  2. I get everything from  We decided to use this curriculum because they use DVDs.

    Here's a link to start you out:

    Also, for Spanish, I just check out what the state requirement is and have my son read the novels and do the work from the book that a private school nearby uses.

    Hope this helps!


    Just want to include some resources about homeschooling you might want to see:

  3. Look at your phone book and look up teacher supplies. You can also order online by searching "home schooling books."

    Edit..► I once read a study done on the social development of home schooled children.  The study claims that because a home schooled child had limited social contact with their peers, they grew up lacking skills to handle conflict, and were loners with very few friends.  They had difficulties meeting and dating the opposite s*x, and were easily bullied and intimidated by their peers when they attended college.  Advise you let him/her interact with her peers by joining a soccer, basketball, or any other extra activity to let your child interact and kids her own age, and form a social network of friends to develop his/her social skills.

    Remember that Colorado Springs church shooting in December 2007, where the crazed gunman was killed by a female security guard ? I forget the gunman's name, but the female guard's name was Jeanne Assam.  That crazed gunman (according to the news) was a home schooled kid.  I only remembered the female guard's name cause I thought she was hot looking.

  4. go to your school district theyll give u the work ...

  5. We get what we need from internet, public library and from used book stores.   My husband and I work for the public schools so we get many textbooks and supplies from the garbage cans at school.   The textbooks have online support with interactives, video tutors, and website links for more study.

    It is wonderful to have the internet where everything we need to know is found within minutes.

  6. If you're on a budget you can get a lot of stuff online - print out workbooks, and join homeschooling forums so that you can network with other moms - maybe there are some in your area and you can share resources?  Use the library as much as possible too - half the time you won't get enough use out of some of the texbooks to make them worth buying.

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