
How do you get what you want when nothing in your LIFE WAS EVER HANDED TO YOU?

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I wasn't born into a rich family... infact my family is very poor. I am extremely stressed and school and my grades have been dropping. My report card wasn't that good.

I'm in grade 7 and I care a lot about getting a good job when I'm older.

What do I do? Nothing in my life has ever been handed to me.

Am I destined to work at McDonalds?!





  1. no, actually you will be able to get scholarships because of your family income. also because you apparently have the desire and ambition to make something of yourself. for your first job, instead of McDonald's, try furniture stores, law offices, paper company (that job is real fun), carpet store, something like that. i worked at a carpet store when i was 16 and 17. a lot of companies hire young people. keep your eyes open and away from fast food. you will have everything you want because you will work for everything you get and appreciate it all the more. best of luck to you. don't forget about the military as an option out. a friend of mine came from a very poor home with too many children and he went into the military (electronics) and got out to work for a large company and is now bringing home 250 thousand a year, he is 31 yrs. old. there is always a way out.

  2. visualize it and eventually it will come because a way would be found to make it happen

  3. Hey join the club!  My life wasn't all that great when I grew up.  Some good parts and some *very bad* ones as well.

    All that aside, you make your own decisions about yourself.  Your past doesn't have to determine your future.  There are plenty of people whose life was just horrible to start with and who made it just fine.  Some others had everything a child could dream of and ended up totally screwed up.  You really just can't tell.  More to the point, *your mind belongs to YOU*

    Keep your chin up and, in time, you will see more answers to your questions.  Hang in there, kid... you're on the right track.

    Hope I can give you some hope and a smile through it all.

    Take care of yourself.  {{HUG}}

  4. It is your mental drive, and meditation upon what you want to achieve plus busting your butt to make it happen . Focus and your Drive to meet the goals

    you have get for your self are more than enough.

    It dose not happen over night. the people in my life who are worth over A million most are worth over 100,000.00 Million it took them over 5 years to

    realize their goals and All the people I know worth that much are self made!!!!!

  5. No you are not! But you need to work hard for what you want. Set goals for yourself. Low grades in 7th grade is not the end of the world, work hard to fix them. Make maintaining good grades your number one priority. Get involved with a community organization (ie: scouts or something), if you stay involved for years it'll give back to you in the long run.

    I came from a poor family. I maintained good grades despite any odds against me. I went to college finished a bachelor's degree (4 years of college) and a master's degree (2 more years of college). I worked my butt off to pay for college and took out small loans (which yes Im still paying for, but I make more money now than I would without a college education.

    Good Luck! Keep your head up, your nose out of trouble and keeping working towards your goal and you will end up having it all!

  6. Hey, Someone's gotta flip them burgers.

    heh, for real tho, crying about it won't get you anywhere. all the energy you spend on stressing about something could be spent on Doing something about it. it's one thing to vent about your problems. it's another thing to constantly bring them up. this prolly could be a time for one of those typical "You can do anything you set your mind to" speeches. especially since you're so young and mentally pliable inthe 7th grade. but, the fact that you're concerned with being able to get a decent job in the future is groovy. a lot of kids your age aren't concerned at all with that. so don't stress about finacial isssues now, focus on your academics. if you can keep those good, you'll be able to find the help you need later on. and stop stressin about them dropping a bit. the hardest thing to do sometimes is to ask for help. ask your teachers, that's what they're there for. and if they can't help you directly, they might know someone else who can. don't be stressin, things work out best if you keep a positive attitude. what happens most often is what you're expecting to happen or focusing on the most. if you're focused too much on failing, then you just keep raising your chances of failing. if you're expecting someone to let you down, you'll probably not be content until it happens. like that whole Am i destined to work at mcdonalds. you are if that's as far as you can see yourself going. everyone has thier own world they live in. it's just how we exist, no matter how Socially conscious someone claims they are, there's no way they can be entirely aware of everything going on at any given moment. i didn't know you existed til i decided to answer your question. even still, you're sara s, from yahooanswers in my world now. and in my world i know i'm not the best at everything. i know i'm better at somethings that some other people. and i know i can put most things into perspective for some who've lost sight. what do you do? you be who you are. if you're a worry wart, trying to get things done before deadline, then be worry on. be you, someone's going to take notice and say something one day, and maybe that'll start giving you ideas on who to talk to about something you want to do. once you start doing that, your pressing the deadline efforts may get you noticed again by someone who'll have a suggestion for you to try something else. in the real world nothing ever gets handed to anyone. they have to go after what they want, and know who to talk to about getting it. knowledge really is power. not only academic knowledge, either. but, it sure does help. what do you do? stop waiting for something to be handed to you, and go get what you need, so you can get what you want.

  7. You are destined to work at McDonalds but have no fear as it doesn't end there.  My son is 17 next week.  He has moved to 9 schools since his grade 6  because of poverty and is now in grade 11 as I have also had nothing handed to me and it has been very difficult as I had my children very young.  He also works at McDonalds and he loves it.  He enjoys his friends, his music, freerunning and his schoolwork, he is planning to be a mechanical engineer and knows that the hard work he puts in now will pay off later.  Work hard in school, go to university with a student loan and don't leave till you have a Masters and work at McDonalds on weekends.  You get 50 percent off food and will develop healthy life skills and eventually you can quit and make 80,000 a year from your university degree.  

    Buy me dinner when your rich.

  8. You can do what ever you want to do. Granted you may never have a million dollars but you can be rich in everything else. There are riches that are worth more than money itself.

  9. It's always sweeter when you work for what you have.  Those who have things handed to them usually aren't very appreciative.  I grew up in a family that didn't have money either.  You have to work for what you want instead of being stressed over what you don't have.  Start studying with gusto.  Only you can bring those grades up.

  10. Henry Ford said it very significantly:

    "Think you can or think you can't. In either case, you're right."

    The clue is that, "What you think, you become."

    You have a good job now, the best. It is School! The pay you get is up to you in the form of grades.   ~ And, will reveal this early in life what you will be paid in the future. Right now do not worry at what you will do, you are not yet experienced nor well educated.

    What do you really like- even love- to do?  How can it be used in an adult world to serve others?  Do what you like and do it well and you will  not have to have a job.  

    But, doing what you love requires hard work, the hardest, but pays the best. There are only two things right now. Do a good job at the job of schooling, the best you can, and discover your passion and how it will serve in the adult world.

    Do what you do so well that when you do it others will want you

    to do it for them.

    Nothing was ever handed to you? You were given the best gift of all and it is called, Life!  

    Be generous and you will prosper.

    Help others and you will be helped. ~ Proverbs 11:25

  11. What do you do?  You study and you get your grades up, and you try to get a scholarship or grants to AT LEAST a community college.  You suck it up and you get an education and you work your *** off until you are where you want to be or at least headed in that direction.  You have to have a fire in your gut to do better.  Being from a poor family is no excuse.  Poor does not equal hopeless.  Yes, there are stresses in everyone's life.  Get over it.  Focus.  And work.  Don't wait for someone to "hand" you something.  They probably won't, and you'll be just standing still; still waiting.

  12. Things can only get better. Be thankful for what you have.

  13. You work your tail off.  

    I grew up with our family having money money problems.  I've worked my a$$ off and have done better than many in my immediate family.  

    You have to be careful and not let much get you down.  Something I think people forget is that if you truely want something bad enough (within reason), you can get it.  Albeit you may have to work harder for it, but once you get there, the rewards are much, much sweeter.  

    Statistics say you're destined for McD's, but your potential and God (I'm  not religous, but have much faith) says that you can pretty much do anything you want, positive or not.

    Tired of seeing the "fortunate" get all the shortcuts and never appreciating things in their life?  Forget about them.  Don't know how to get there?  Surround yourself with the right people, the possibilities are endless.  You'd be surprised how much of the environment we surround ourselves in dictates how we react, percieve, and push ourselves towards the goals we set.

    Got a social life?  How much do you enoy it?  What's more important to YOU?

    The number one thing I tell my 6 year old son is to never give up on ANYTHING.  He may be six, but he know what practice and persistance can do.  He does it all the time with his love of soccer and baseball.  More importantly, he does it at school.

    I hate to sound like a "broken record," but seriously, NEVER GIVE UP.  You will soon find that there won't be much that will will come easy to you, considering where you're "from."

    Chances are you're gonna have to put in more time and creativity than the next person, but you will certainly feel the benefits once you start to conquering the steps to get where you want to go.

    Good luck to you.

    By the way...My very first payroll job was at McD's.  At one time I was working 3 or 4 jobs during high school.  Being much younger than that, I've worked in labor fields...not fun.   I'm doing much, much better now.

    If it's worth the effort to you, it only gets better...not necessarily easier, but better nonetheless.

  14. With your out look on life sorry to say but yes. At your age you should be thinkin school. Not only does knowlege equal power, it equals money. Stay in school. 90 percent of people were not born with a silver spoon. stay in school.

  15. Why are your grades dropping?  Nothing will be handed to you if you don't work hard to get it.  You're not going to get anywhere feeling sorry for yourself and watching your report cards get worse.  You're the only one who can earn good grades for yourself.  So get to work!

  16. i don't think you're destined to work at McDonalds but that might be your fate if you don't work hard to reach your highest potential.  

    Destiny is the highest potential and best you can be.  It also takes a lot of work and determination.

    Fate is when you don't strive to be your best.  

    Work hard.  There's many of us who weren't born into the best situation.  It will just make the accomplishments that much sweeter.

  17. you will be if you dont start doing better in school. get good grades, and get scholarships and financial aid and go to college. then you will get a good job. focus on the things you want out of life and set goals and work as hard as possible to achieve them. spoiled kids who use mommy and daddys money to get what they want will amount to nothing. it makes you a better person working hard to reach your goals and earn your way to what you want. it just feels better when you get there.

  18. get a lawyer

  19. No, only you can change your situation. You are still young. Nothing in life is handed to you, you have to work hard for what you want out of life. Going to school and having good grades can take it's toll, However when it's all said and done hard work will pay off in one way or another. Hang in there.

  20. Your financial background shouldn't worry you,you're too young for that.If your parents can't afford post secondary education for you,you'll have to get summer jobs to pay for could also look at trades after high school (plumbing,electrician,hairdressing).Trad... pay well and we'll always need them.Stop stressing over that and concentrate on your school work and having fun!

  21. Of course not. You really need to set goals in your life and work towards them. Not because your family is poor it means you have no chances to have a better life.

    You have to focus on being a good student so you have access to scholarships when you go to college.

    You can do it!

  22. Your destiny is in your hands and no one else's.  What you do with your life will be determined by you.  Stop stressing about your grades right now.  What you need to concentrate on is learning as much as you can so that when grades are more important (high school to get into a good college and in college to get a better job) you have the basic knowledge to succeed.  Just do your best.

  23. no, your not going to work at mcdonalds. actually, you may when your in high school for some extra cash. my family is poor and when i was in grade 7 (same as you) i decided to take, instead of being gave to. i am moving to Indonesia where i will have freedoms and i will be a fisherman. this is the job i wanted. don't think you need an education for a good job. think about what job you want, then see if it requires an education. if your government makes you go to school like my piece of c**p country does, forget them, go peruse your own life (unless you don't mind, or thats what your chosen job requires).

    your not a "teen" or a "kid" your a YOUNG ADULT. and you should start to take things. this does not mean go in your kitchen and just take everything rudely. it means you do what you know is right. don't sit at home and wait for your mom to give something to you. go take it. go get that job at mcdonalds and help your family out with some money. you can grow up fast if you choose. for me, it was not an option.

    good luck.

  24. i am not from a rich family either,and i barely passed school.i was just never good at it.but i did graduate .you've just got to do the best you can.and i don't think your destin to work at mcdonald's .you still have a ways to go only being in 7th grade.lots of people that don't go to college still end of withgr eat jobs,that pay good just have to have faith that you an acheive anything and you will.good luck!

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