
How do you get your Homeschool diploma?

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I was homeschooled almost my entire school life. My mother schooled my sister and I. When she died, my sister did all the paper work and became my teacher. I completed the school plan my mother had set out. I'm not sure how to get my diploma now. Does anyone know how to go about this in the state of North Carolina?




  1. Your sister had guardianship of you? If she did, she's the one who gives the diploma. It's that simple. You can't get a state-approved diploma if you go to private school or if you homeschool in North Carolina.

    If she didn't have guardianship of you, then you'd have to test for the GED or wait until you are old enough to get an adult high school diploma.

  2. You can do diploma from JAMMU UNI.

  3. Once you complete your program, you can issue your own diploma, just make sure the records of your work, or a portfolio, as well as the transcript are part of the package.

    If you are not sure how to go about it, contact your state home school coordinator, or the Home School Legal Defense for advice on how to obtain the proper paper work.

    Another avenue, although not necessary for college admission, would be for you to take the GED test, and use that as your official diploma.

  4. if ur program doesn't award one the GED program is the only way

  5. Have your sister make you a diploma. You followed what your mother had made out for you so you completed your homeschool high school. Your sister can make your transcripts and diploma on the computer. Good luck

  6. Homschooling is legal in all states so it doesn't matter where you live.

    If you are doing traditional homeschooling then chances are you will not recieve a diploma or transcripts in the sense that most people think of them. The important thing is NOT the dimploma. The transcripts are the ONLY really important thing. The transcripts are really the only thing the colleges and possibly employers want to look at.

    Go here for more information on how to get what you are looking for

  7. I would recommend taking the GED. Because if you have a home-schooled diploma, it may not have the credibility for future jobs.

    As a human resource professional, the jobs at my company require a minimum of a high school diploma. Even if you attend college, I still need to see that you graduated from high school.

    Otherwise, I agree with the recommendation of the person who suggested checking with your home school coordinator. Can they help you find out how to obtain a "real diploma" with your work.

    I'm sorry about your situation. It's one of the biggest drawbacks of homeschooling.

  8. Well, I suppose your sister could make you one. I didn't get a home schooling diploma; I got my GED!!! Are you going to college? I'm only 16 and this is my 1st semester, but I should have my Master's in OT before I'm 24!

    cheers, j

  9. i do not believe in home schooling.

    children should be taught in a school where they can get use to being with other children and learn how to be in the public. i believe that home schooling does not prepare you for the outside world and good paying jobs.

  10. you dont get one

  11. You can create your own if you have software to create cards and certificates.

    Below is a link to a place that you can order your certificate if you feel the need for a fancy one.

    What are your future plans?  Our plans for our 10th grader is to take classes at community college after high school.  He will need to to pass their placement test before attending classes just as his step sister did when she attended classes after graduating from public school.  After succesfully completing classes at the community college, he can write on  applications in the section that says  "level of education :  ________ Community College"  and the college  will have record of his grade point average for further educational prospects or employers.

    Edit   Here ya go.  These people say it better than I did. (smile)

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