
How do you get your cat to quit meowing when you walk in the door?

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My freind lives in a apt that doesnt allow cats




  1. Then why is kitty there?

    Meowing is a good sign.  It means kitty has bonded with you and wants to say hello and get some attention.  

    Only thing I can think of is soundproofing the walls and floors or getting a remote control for the stereo to drown out the sound.


  2. The cat needs some attention as I presume its been alone all day. Give it some cuddles.

  3. Aw, that poor kitty! I mean I hope the owner isn't telling the kitty to "shhhhh".

  4. Feed her! Then cuddle. She's lonely and missed you all day.

  5. I sympathize with your friend I did the same thing a long time

    ago put cats in closet when landlord came over one day; one

    got out and was sitting right behind him (just like a t.v. show or

    something) I was sweating bullets for 10 min.!

    just put on music to cover meowing fast when coming home

  6. It wasn't a wise idea to break the apartment rules so I hope your friend is prepared to move if he/she gets caught with the cat, and not give the cat away.

    Now, to make the cat stop meowing tell your friend to bend over , pet the cat and say hello. The cat is greeting and is asking to be acknowledged, that's all.

  7. As a cat lover, and someone who has worked HARD for years to rescue and find good homes for cats that have been abused, abandoned and neglected by their owner this question and comment just fly in the face of everything that is wrong with our society today.

    Why would you have a cat in an apartment when you know it's not allowed and risk forcing your land lord to make you choose between loosing your home, or loosing your cat?

    Because if your willing to post such a question, then I don't think that you would be quick to move out of the apartment if the land lord found your little kitty.

    There is no way that you can reasonably expect that ANY animal live under conditions that expect it to make no noise what so ever.  A small meow is certainly not equal to the screams or shouts of children.  And shutting it in a closet to hide it is cruel and totally unacceptable.

    Please do the responsible and humane thing and find this cat a home where it can be accepted and loved unconditionally and stop wasting your time trying to find ways to shut it up.

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