
How do you get your child to focus in school and bring her grades up. She is in 2nd grade.?

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How do you get your child to focus in school and bring her grades up. She is in 2nd grade.?




  1. Find out what is wrong at school for her my daughter is in first and broke her arm and is going nuts they do like 15 pages a day I would get bored too talk to her teacher too if it started recently its because its close to the end of the year

  2. 2nd Grade? No grades... just support with reading!  If they can read well at the end of grade 2 then they are off to a flying start.  Put the time in now Mum and Dad and you will see a good result.

  3. I would get her a calander and have her write down her homework. When she came home from school, we would have a snack and she would do her homework. I then would check her answers to make sure they are right and talk about the ones she has missed. I would have her put her homework folder back in her backpack and go outside and play with her.

  4. do2 homework right after school and once she does that she should be alot better in skool it helped me

  5. We went through this with my son.  he is a smart kid but just didnt care when it came to school and at mid year he was failing miserably.  i sat him down and explained that he had to go to school and he had to pass and then made a deal with him that if he brought all of his grades up to at least C's and tried harder at the end of the year then we would let him get a PSP.  Expensive yes but he has never worked harder in his life and instead of C his lowest grade since has been a B.

  6. My son never paid attention in school. He wasn't disburbing the class room. He just had better things to think about. ( what he used to tell me) We had a great teacher. She worked with me. My son was sat in front of the class and if he did good she gave me a check on his folder. If he got 5 checks for the week he got a reward. Nothing expensive. Just going out for ice cream. His favorite meal on Sat night or a rental movie. Just remember school should be fun and homework at night should be fun.  Never stressful. My son hated to do school work right after school so we do it in the evening.  He's in 5 grade now and gets all A and B's.  I always looked at it this way. At that age did I sit there for 6 hours paying attention. Heck I can't do that at 43. Good luck.

  7. Find out whether she's bored in school.  Sometimes gifted children get bored.  Then again, how is her focus at home?  If she has trouble focusing at home, too, maybe it's an attention deficit issue.  And how well do you know the teacher's teaching style?  Does she make learning fun?  

    At home you can make learning fun by working with your daughter on her school subjects in ways that she will enjoy.

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